Practicing Inner and Outer Peace

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa,
April 10, 1992 (Originally in English)
Videotape # 240

It’s very difficult to live in this world and maintain a peaceful spirit because all around us there’s so much pressure, so much violence, so many bad influences and so much injustice. Sometimes it’s difficult for us to keep balanced, to keep our peaceful manner and spirit. The only hope for us is that we have to practice inner peace by meditating every day, by trying to remember God, by trying to awaken our own almighty loving power within ourselves. That’s the purpose of practicing the Quan Yin Method.

At least one hour of listening to the Sound every day will put our mind into balance, into a restful mood so that we’ll be able to control our temper, to master our inner spirit. Otherwise there’s no cure for us. In no other way can we keep peace in the world.


It’s difficult, especially if we’re in a position where we have to deal with many people of different temperaments, of different backgrounds, and if we’re in a position of responsibility, then it’s even more difficult. So we must try our best to meditate to save ourselves, to be in balance. That’s how we can save the world because if each of us in this world remains peaceful and loving, the world will be peaceful and loving. At least if the great majority of people in the world have such a peaceful, loving attitude, the world won’t be in danger. The majority, or at least the group of people that loves balance, will influence their neighbors, will make the rest of the people peaceful and loving. That’s how we make peace in this world; that’s how we stop war.

Otherwise, I’ve seen many congregations talk about peace, but they talk about peace in this country, and the next moment war breaks out in another. And when this one has finished then the next one starts. The wars never stop! Our world has never enjoyed one peaceful moment. There’s always war somewhere because the whole of humankind hasn’t been all together in unity, to realize that the only way for us to survive in this world is to love each other, to have peace within ourselves.

Practicing Inner and Outer Peace