Book Notes
Introductory Book Notes Jesus Christ — Quan Yin Master
and Vegetarian Advocate
sister-initiate Love-Light, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(Originally in English)
view that Jesus Christ was a Quan Yin Method Master and promoter of
vegetarianism is supported by many passages in The Essene Gospel of
Peace: Book One and The Essene Gospel of Peace: Book Four —The
Teaching of the Elect, published by the International Biogenic Society.
These texts were translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely from ancient
Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts in the Secret Archives of the Vatican
and from old Slavonic writings in the Royal Library of the Hapsburgs
(now the property of the Austrian government). You can also read summary
versions of these books by visiting:
Advocacy of Vegetarianism
Essene Gospel of Peace: Book One contains numerous references that
clearly express Jesus’ views on vegetarianism. For example,
at one point Jesus is asked, “Moses, the greatest in Israel,
suffered our forefathers to eat the flesh of clean beasts, and forbade
only the flesh of unclean beasts. Why, therefore, do you forbid us
the flesh of all beasts? Which law comes from God — that of
Moses or your law?”
this question, Jesus replies, “God commanded your forefathers:
‘Thou shalt not kill.’ But their heart was hardened and
they killed. Then Moses desired that at least they should not kill
men, and he suffered them to kill beasts. And then the heart of your
forefathers was hardened yet more, and they killed men and beasts
likewise. But I do say to you: Kill neither men, nor beasts, nor yet
the food which goes into your mouth. For if you eat living food, the
same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will
kill you also. For life comes only from life, and from death comes
always death.”
Jesus then goes into more detail, mentioning specific foods that his
followers should consume: “For your body is that which you eat,
and your spirit is that which you think. Wherefore, prepare and eat
all fruits of trees, all grasses of the fields, and all milk of beasts
good for eating. For all these are fed and ripened by the fire of
life; all are the gift of the angels of our Earthly Mother. But eat
nothing to which only the fire of death gives savor, for such is of
Satan. So eat always from the table of God: the fruits of the trees,
the grain and grasses of the field, the milk of beasts, and the honey
of bees. For everything beyond these is of Satan, and leads by the
way of sins and of diseases unto death. But the foods which you eat
from the abundant table of God give strength and youth to your body,
and you will never see disease.”
excerpts from the Essene scriptures support Master Ching Hai’s
assertions about Jesus’ Essene origins and vegetarian heritage:
“Jesus was vegetarian since He was born, and even when He was
in the womb. Jesus was born [into] a vegetarian family, a vegetarian
tradition, the Essene tradition. This you can study in [a] book about
the life of Jesus. You should study the life of Jesus in another separate
book, not the Bible.” Here Master even appears to make reference
to the Essene Gospels — “another separate book, not the
The Light and Sound Meditation
as mentioned above, Jesus reveals that He is a Master of Light and
Sound Meditation in the Essene texts. For instance, in The Essene
Gospel of Peace: Book Four — Teaching of the Elect, Jesus makes
mention of the inner Sound stream as follows: “For I tell you
truly, there is a Holy Stream of Life which gave birth to the Earthly
Mother and all her angels. Invisible is this Stream of Life to the
eyes of the Sons of Men, but the Sons of Light are given the secrets
of communion with the angels. And the eyes of your spirit shall be
opened, and you will see and hear and touch the Stream of Life that
gave birth to the Earthly Mother. And you will enter the Holy Stream
of Life, and It will carry you with infinite tenderness to everlasting
life in the kingdom of your Heavenly Father.”
the same text, Jesus discusses the need to become silent or attain
a meditative state before experiencing the Sound: “For in the
beginning of times so did we all share in the Holy Stream of Life
that gave birth to all creation. And when the sun is high in the heavens,
then shall you let into your ears the Holy Stream of Sound; for It
can only be heard in the silence. Think on the streams that are born
in the desert after a sudden storm and the roaring sound of the waters
as they rush past. Truly, this is the voice of God. For as is written,
in the beginning was the Sound, and the Sound was with God, and the
Sound was God. It is ever in our ears, [but] we hear It not. Listen
for It, then, in the silence of noontide; bathe in It, and let the
rhythm of the music of God beat in your ears until you are one with
the Holy Stream of Sound that [It] may carry you to the endless kingdom
of the Heavenly Father where the rhythm of the world rises and falls.”
in Teaching of the Elect Jesus advocates meditation on the Light:
“In the moments before you sleep shall you think of the bright
and glorious stars, the white, shining, far-seen and far-piercing
stars. Let your thoughts before sleep be with the stars; for the stars
are Light, and the Heavenly Father is Light, even that Light which
is a thousand times brighter than the brightness of a thousand suns.
Enter the Holy Stream of Light that the shackles of death may loose
their hold forever, and breaking free from the bonds of earth, ascend
through the blazing radiance of the stars, into the endless kingdom
of the Heavenly Father. For at the beginning of the times, the Holy
Law said, let there be Light, and there was Light. And you shall be
one with it, and the power of the Holy Light Stream will fill your
whole body, and you will tremble before Its might.”
in summarizing the power of the Sound and Light as the ultimate source
of liberation and enlightenment, Jesus tells his disciples, “I
tell you truly, your ears were made not only to hear the words of
men, the song of birds, and the music of falling rain, but they were
also made to hear the Holy Stream of Sound. And your eyes were made
not only to see the rising and setting of the sun, the ripple of sheaves
of grain, and the words of the holy scrolls, but they were also made
to see the Holy Stream of Light. Enter the Holy Streams, even that
Life, that Sound, and that Light which gave you birth; that you may
reach the kingdom of the Heavenly Father and become one with him.”
manuscripts such as The Essene Gospel of Peace: Book One and The Essene
Gospel of Peace: Book Four — The Teaching of the Elect, which
present Jesus’ ancient comments on the inner Light and Sound
and the vegetarian diet can help reinforce one’s confidence
in the contemporary message of Supreme Master Ching Hai, as both Masters
reveal that the Light and Sound Meditation (Quan Yin Method) and vegetarianism
are truly the divine way to liberation and entry into the Kingdom
of Heaven. Both Jesus’ and Master Ching Hai’s teachings
are in turn part of the eternal message of Truth promulgated by all
the great Masters through the ages. As Master puts it, “In a
sense, Jesus never died. Jesus works through all the Masters throughout
the centuries, throughout the ages, to liberate and enlighten us,
the ignorant, who are still left behind.”