Nothing in this world belongs to us. Even if we do
something good, it's not we who did it; Creation prearranges all things.
Therefore, we say, when we're one with God, one with Creation, there's
no individual "I" because we know that everything is arranged
by God.
Perhaps you might ask me, "Since everything is
arranged by God, why does Hes often arrange for us to run into difficulties?
When we pray for this, why do we get that instead? Why do we get undesirable
things although we've prayed for good things?" The answer is very
simple. It's because, in the universe, there're good things and bad
things; there's black and there's white. It depends on where our hands
reach, and we get hold of the things there.
It's the same when we look at the human body. Take
the example of a beauty; her body structure is exactly the same as that
of an ugly person. If we grab her foot, we'll discover that it looks
just like the foot of an ordinary person; it won't be shaped like a
hand or a mouth. If we want to look at her mouth or kiss her lips, we
have to move upward a little bit. However, should we wish to kiss her
feet, we have to bend downward. Of course, the foot of a beauty may
look nicer than that of an ugly person, but it's still just a foot,
however beautiful it may be.