In early 2001, brother-initiate
Jian and I had a phone conversation about my participating in the Truth-sharing
work he was then conducting in West Africa. From my previous stay in
Africa, I knew that the continent was materially backward, and at the
time I was planning to pursue further studies in the United States.
So I was unable to come to a decision about helping him. Then not long
after our talk, a company unexpectedly recruited me to work for a year
as a business representative to Cameroon. Due to this unusual opportunity,
I was once more able to visit the region.
Then in August 2001, with brother
Jian's earnest assistance, we established the Cameroon Center, and later
a Quan Yin messenger arrived to conduct an initiation. However, while
working on the project my attitude was not especially positive, and
the Center, which was not in an ideal venue, grew very slowly. Finally,
in October 2002 brother Jian along with another Quan Yin messenger visited
the Cameroon Center and together we found a clean, quiet new location.
During this time, I learned from
brother Jian that he had been living alone in Africa for six years and
was spending only a couple of months each year with his family in Formosa.
While in West Africa, he expended a great deal of time, energy and finances
on Truth-sharing work and in establishing centers. I asked him about
his motivation and he replied, "I too once wanted to quickly return
to Formosa. However, while watching Master's videotapes one day, I was
shocked to hear Her say that some fellow initiates had yet to share
Her love with the world. So I decided to do more Truth-sharing and thus
convey Master's message to more people." After hearing this explanation,
I too was taken aback by Master's words. Noting in retrospect that I
had failed to conduct any such activities while living in Africa for
over three years in the past, I was truly ashamed. Since then, I have
committed myself to transmitting Master's love as much as possible.
In the beginning of my second
stay in Africa, I had a large ego, felt tremendous pressure, failed
to think positively and constantly calculated my own gains and losses.
Yet, I continued to feel imbued with Master's energy, slowly learned
to work by relying on the Master Power, forgot about personal rewards
and came to understand how to contribute selflessly.
Then two more years quickly passed,
and despite many ups and downs, my situation got better and better as
I reaped a positive material and spiritual harvest. Only then did I
truly understand Master's words: "Helping others is helping ourselves.
Thus, we should constantly purify our thoughts, and extend unconditional
love and goodwill without demanding anything in return. This is the
best way."
Master has helped me to comprehend
much truth through my work, as my ego slowly diminishes under the powerful
influence of the Light and Sound meditation. Though I have yet to reach
the ultimate realization that all of creation is one, I believe that
one day when the "cup of my ego" is totally dissolved, the
water within me will become one with the Ocean of Love. I am sincerely
grateful to Master for giving me the precious opportunity to learn and
grow during my stay in West Africa!