Selected Questions and Answers

The Best Blessings
are Born of Inner Development

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Malaysia, February 25, 1992 (Originally in English)
Videotape # 219

Q: Master, I think You're doing a Heavenly job and not a ‘local' one, but what's involved in You as a Master giving blessings to people? For instance, say that you want to give blessings to the people here tonight. What are the conditions for doing so?

M: I haven't said that I would give a blessing to you or anyone else. It's just that when people are extremely unhappy, they request it, and unless I do something -- anything -- they don't feel satisfied. You can call what I give then a blessing. I myself never feel that I give blessings to anyone, but if God consents to give a blessing to someone through me, then Hiers will be done, no problem; because I'm all there for God.

Q: So, can we request a blessing from You tonight?

M: But what should I do? What can I do for you? Why don't you bless yourself with your own God power? Then you get blessings every day and forever instead of receiving a blessing just once from my hands, or my feet or my eyes. That's short-lived and it's borrowed. It's better to earn your own money and invest it to become a millionaire in no time.

The best blessing is your own blessing when you develop yourself morally and intellectually. Then you also have your own wisdom. You know that God is within you, you contact that God and get blessed every day, unasked, in plenty until you're filled up with blessings, and then you give them to someone else.

I can't bless you if you don't bless yourself. I might be able to give you some kind of comfort and upliftment in the moment, should you be receptive to that. But the best and longest blessing is initiation; it's enlightenment.

Selected Questions and Answers:

A True Master Transcends the Duality of Time and Space
The Best Blessings are Born of Inner Development
Poverty Would Disappear if We All Shared Our Abundance
Knowing God is the Highest Virtue
