But the Master just blew his nose with the letter (laughter),
and threw it into the toilet. Then in a third letter the disciple wrote,
"Oh Master, I now have compassion for all humankind and all underprivileged
beings! Even an ant, I hear his heart throbbing and feel his soul striving!
Oh Master, what a wonderful discovery! I'll strive even more, I promise
you! I'll be your best disciple, you'll see."
So then the Master wiped something with the letter.
(Laughter) You know where; I won't say (Master and everyone laugh),
and then threw it into the toilet and felt hopeless.
Later, in a fourth letter, the disciple reported, "Master,
now I'm one with the universe! Everything is me and I am everything!
There's nothing that's not me. I'm everything. Oh, I congratulate myself!"
But the Master didn't even bother to touch it, just
let the wind blow it anywhere it might go and didn't want to say anything
anymore. Then, for a long time the Master said, "Don't bother writing
to me anymore. You're just wasting paper and pen." So the disciple
didn't write anything anymore.
Many years passed by and the Master was kind of feeling
a little bit sorry for having been so harsh to the disciple the last
time. Remembering his fantastic disciple -- long time no see and no
hear from -- he kind of sent a message to him and said, "Hey! What's
happening now? How's your spiritual progress?" (Laughter) Perhaps
he missed his nonsensical, "big universal" letters.
So the disciple wrote back only two words on one big
piece of paper: "Who cares?" (Laughter and applause) Do you
know how the Master reacted then? He went and drank coffee, tea or non-alcoholic
beer with Seven-Up. (Master and everyone laugh.) That's the way it should
Only when you know that you're OK do you not care.
Otherwise, it doesn't matter how much you write to me, saying, "I
love You, the universal Power, compassionate me," and whatever;
all this is nonsense, theory. That's why many teachers of theory open
their mouths and talk about compassion, enlightenment, wisdom and all
that, but they don't do anything about it. They don't even know; they
just talk about it. That's very boring, and it's very difficult to make
them realize that we don't need talk.
Why I talk all the time is because you like it. (Audience:
Yes.) Besides I don't talk to teach you. If you think I'm teaching you,
you're wrong because I'm hopeless with you, too. I know I can't teach
you anything. I just amuse you with my different expressions, hoping
that you might catch something you like and hold onto it. Then you'll
remember me and won't forget to practice. One day you'll know everything
yourself; not only through my teachings, maybe thirty percent through
my teachings. But it's more or less just so that you'll remember me
and then we can connect inside.
To be honest with you, I don't believe that anyone
can teach anyone else at all. But whatever I can do, I just try my best
because you ask for it. You demand it so I do it, not because I believe
I can teach you through words, through talking, through language. But
I believe that we can establish a very deep connection with each other,
and through that deep connection we can communicate inside. That's the
only teaching that might perhaps happen. Otherwise you're already a
Buddha. You're an entity just like I am.
What's the need of me telling you what to do? You have
everything I have. It's just that through our inner connection with
each other you're willing to be reminded of your true Self inside through
my inner true Self. Then our inner true Selves become one together,
and there's no teaching at all. Originally there was no need and there
will never be any need for any soul to learn anything.