Master Says


Only by Reuniting with God
Can We be Contented

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Cape Town, South Africa,
December 1, 1999 (Originally in English) 
Videotape #676

Our heavenly Father never looks at our so-called sins because in Hiers eyes we don't ever sin; we just make mistakes. We forget the noble beings that we are. Therefore, Hes always sends some special person like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, Guru Nanak or the Jain Masters, to name a few, to show us how to remember again that we truly are the greatest beings imaginable in the whole universe.

Even the angels envy us; even the greatest of the angels has to serve us. Can you imagine? And all the while, we pray to the angels as if they were our greater protectors. They are, but only as long as we're still ignorant of our own glory. As soon as we remember who we are, they stand by and serve us because we're made in the image of God. Suppose we have access to Heaven anytime, which we do after initiation. According to your concentration, you go to a higher or a little lower part of Heaven; we all do, and we all see God in different ways. So suppose we go to Heaven when we attain a higher degree of enlightenment through diligent, daily practice; then we'll see all the angels and all the great beings with the greatest Light imaginable, lining up on both sides to welcome us.

That's what we truly are. It's better than any "red carpet treatment." And if God Hirmself deemed us really fit to receive a true vision of Hirmself, which isn't anything we can describe in human language, we would melt like ice in the Himalayas under the June sun. We'd feel like a baby; we'd feel incredible bliss. The most incredible experience that people describe in human relationships is sexual ecstasy, which pales in comparison to this. I have to tell you this so that you can compare it to something! Otherwise, I don't know how to describe the bliss of Heaven.

When you're in ecstasy, when you're in samadhi, when you face God, sometimes Hes deems fit to appear as an image or as a face. Depending on how we'd like to see Hirm, Hes can appear as a Mother or as a Father. Then again, Hes can be just splendor with Light, and thousands of suns around Hiers image. And yet, you also have thousands of suns around your Self. Because at the time your soul is liberated, it radiates this kind of Light and you are the Light. That's what all the Bibles tell us—that we're the Light; we're the essence of Light. The Word is also Light! That's a vibration. The more condensed version of the Light becomes the Sound. The Sound is like melody in this world. That's why we love music so much; because it's very similar to the music of Heaven, to the Word spoken by God, the universal language which, when we hear it, allows us to understand all things: We understand all languages, we understand each other and we love each other. We're so nourished, so energized by this inner vibration, the Word of God, the music of Heaven, that we become a new person.

That's why many people glow after initiation. They change so completely and immediately that sometimes I don't recognize them before and after initiation. Sometimes the change is that drastic, and the more they meditate each day, the younger they become. Because all the cells become new. That's why we become like children—we become more innocent, more intelligent, purer and simpler at heart. We become closer to Heaven. The Bible says, "Except that you become like a child again, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God." To become a child, we have to go through the process called baptism—baptism with the fire of the Spirit. Saint John mentioned this: "No doubt I baptize by water, but the One who comes after me will baptize you with the fire of the Holy Spirit."

What is the fire of the Holy Spirit? It's God Hirmself purifying us, reconnecting us with Hirmself, taking us, the part, back to the whole again, making the drop of the Ocean merge into the vast waters of Love. This is the time of baptism. The true baptism takes place in less than a second, and we'll be there right away in Heaven, where we should be. Because there's nothing that separates us from our Self and God, never ever, except our attention and our thinking that we're separate from God. That's how we're separated from God. So I'm just showing you how to change your attention to a different place, a different dimension.

For example,  now I'm looking at you and I see you so I can't see what's behind me. If I turn myself backwards, I see what's behind me. We can see God while living. We can even choose the time to die. We select our own level of Heaven before we go there. Just like you go to an agency to look at different houses and see which one is better for you. Similarly, "in the house of our Father there are many mansions" and we can pick one according to our level of understanding and consciousness.

We've never been separated from God; that's what I want to tell you. That's what I've discovered: In just the blink of an eye, we're in God consciousness. A blink of an eye, and we're back here again. A blink again, and we go back to Heaven. Blink again, and we come back here. Sometimes the boundary between Heaven and the physical dimension is so blurred that you go in and out, in and out. Or you're in both at the same time, as most of the Masters" consciousness are. They're in both worlds at the same time; They've mastered the transcendental art of erasing the boundary between the physical world and the Heavenly world. They've erased space and time in Their consciousness because They've become one with God again.

It's so simple that every one of us can do it because each of us is already God. We just need to look in a different direction, that's all. I'll show you where to look inside yourself, where the connection with God is, where God resides. If Hes resides within us, where is it? Within! Then we must go within, not go without. When we go without, we see the physical manifestation of God. We see the walking, physical God Who sits behind us, beside us, Who loves us physically, Who eats with us, Who jokes with us, Who laughs with us.

Within, we see the reality of all creation, the God Who is! The God Who isn't physical yet Who has thousands of millions of images. The God Who has no name, yet Who has been called by thousands of loving names. Just like we call our loved one, "Honey, " or "my dear, my apple pie, my sugar, my candy," or "My other half, my better half, my dearest, my loved one." Anything! You sometimes invent a name to call your loved one. For example, someone might call his wife "my noodle." And that's alright! So some people even call God "The Bride," "The Eternal Beloved" or "The Faithful Spouse."

Anything will do because we love God so much and Hes loves us so much. We're one so we can call Hirm anything, but it would be better for all of us to truly reunite with this loved One again. Too much talk about the future fiancé or coming husband but no reunification, no union, is of no use. We'll never experience the happiness of marriage if we never see the husband we've heard so much about! Similarly, everything we say about God—for example, introducing or praising God—is like a wonderful song to our ears and to our soul. But the soul wants more solid experience, being truly face-to-face with God, and that I can help you with. (Applause) God loves you so much!