During the renovation of the Surrey Center in 2004,
I was in charge of searching for a company to produce a large sign with
the words "The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association"
to be placed in the Center's front window. During this project, I contacted
four companies, all of which gave expensive quotes that were far beyond
the Center's budget.
Intuitively I felt that there must be a more economical
way to make the sign, and remembered Master's teaching that we should
never give up and always try our best until the end. So I meditated
for a while and prayed for Master's guidance. Then I suddenly felt a
strong urge to pick up the phone book and call one more company, and
to my delight the salesperson quoted a price that was only one third
of the amount the Center had budgeted for the sign! So we were able
to use our funds for many signs instead of just one, revealing another
of God's amazing arrangements and teaching us to always trust in our
inner feelings and thus develop our capacity while working for Hirm.
In the process of informing the public about the new
meditation center in Surrey we realized that automobiles could also
be useful for this purpose. So we designed a sign for our car windows
that beautifully displayed Master's picture along with the Center's
contact information.
initiates thus came to understand how valuable a car can be in sharing
Master's teachings so they began to ask the Center to make more signs
for their cars. And now the Surrey sisters and brothers freely promote
Master's teachings while driving around town, taking their children
to school, parking at work places and so on! Having a car window sign
has also proven useful to the initiates themselves, as several brothers
and sisters recently reported that they had gotten lost while driving
to a Center retreat, but when they spotted a car displaying the Center's
sign, they immediately knew to follow that vehicle! In this way they
easily made it to the Center.
From these experiences the fellow practitioners of
Surrey have learned that if they try to apply Master's wisdom in daily
life, they can serve the world more effectively.