is to be experienced not only through the wisdom eye center or the Heavenly
"audio center" but also every day with everything—with
your breath, with your body, with your feelings, with your intellect,
with your emotions, with your mental attitude and also with the people
around you. Because God is everywhere Hes brings you experiences and
wonders every day, all the time. You just have to notice it.
And sometimes we don't notice.
We just wait for God to appear in meditation, but God isn't like that.
So, in meditation we can have a more quiet experience with Hirm. But
most times every day Hes blesses us everywhere. However, sometimes you
don't know it. Sometimes you're supposed to have an accident, and it
looks like you're almost having a car accident, but who is veering your
car away or veering some other car away so that you remain safe? These
are the times when we notice God is there. But then we just think, "Oh,
it's a coincidence." Or sometimes we happen to find a good job
that we never expected and we think, "Oh, it's another coincidence."
But no—God is everywhere and Hes always protects us and helps
us. I think you know this very well. So, quit expecting God to appear
to you only through the wisdom eye center. Hes appears all the time.