Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest CDs [Spoken in Aulacese]

 CD_A101c  By Learning to be a Buddha One Becomes a Buddha

                                                               Lecture in Santa Ana, California, U.S.A.,

                                                                October 21, 1989

                                                                            CD_A106b  The Meaning of the Precepts

                                                                                   Lecture in Santa Ana, California, U.S.A.,
                                                                                   December 3, 1989

                                                                             CD_A106c  There is Only One Truth

                                                                                    Lecture in Sunnyvale, California, U.S.A.,
                                                                                    December 10, 1989

                                                                                CD_A78a  Saintly Monks and Ordinary Monks

                                                                                    Lecture at An-lac Temple,

                                                                                    San Jose, California, U.S.A., May 28, 1989

                                                                              CD_A585  Bringing Love Back

                                                                   International Four-day Retreat in Sydney, Australia,
                                                                   May 11, 1997

                                                                 CD_A598a  Recognize That We Are Perfect in All Aspects

                                                           International Four-day Retreat, Bangkok, Thailand,
                                                        October 23, 1997


Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest DVDs

[Spoken in English, with subtitles in twenty languages]

The Ladder of Spiritual Enlightenment

Group meditation at the Florida Center, U.S.A.,
January 31/February 4, 2003

[Spoken in English, with subtitles in twenty-one languages]

The Laughing Saints

Group meditation at the Florida Center, U.S.A., February 3, 2003

 [Spoken in English, with subtitles in twenty-three languages]

The Truth of Masters' Realm

Group meditation at the Florida Center, U.S.A.,
January 29-30/February 5, 2003
