Droplets from the Ocean of Love


ss Blessings from the 2005 Europe RettBy brother-initiate Pék Tamás, Budapest, Hungary (Originally in English)

It is unbelievable that God granted me the great experience of personally interacting with our Master during the 2005 Europe Retreat held outside Budapest, where I was fortunate enough to hear Her holy lectures each day and to come to know Her in a profoundly real, practical and inspirational way.

During and after the Retreat, my job was to shop for supplies and transport disciples. And whenever I went shopping, I tried to be as quick as possible so as not to be far from Master very long. Each time I returned from an errand, I felt unimaginable blessings coming from Her as I got closer to the Retreat venue. It was like when we meditate, we feel immersed in the Ocean of Love, or like the unresistable power of attraction a bee feels when arriving home to the hive.

As I traveled on these missions, the last one and a half kilometers (one miles) of the muddy road leading to the rural center was undriveable from 9:00 AM until it became frozen after 7:00 PM. But Master never left me in trouble during the Retreat. Many times it was a miracle that I could drive through the slippery mud where many other cars got stuck.

Besides shopping and running other errands, I had the honor of being Master's driver, and during my trips with Her She jokingly called Herself "a cave woman" returning to civilization from Her two-year solitary retreat. We went shopping for necessities for Her return to the "civilized" world and often chatted casually about dogs. During these talks Master said that the three dogs at the rural center initially welcomed Her as they would an ordinary person. However, after Master's dog Goody telepathically told the center's little black dog to take good care of Master, the next morning all three dogs welcomed Her in a different way, waiting courteously in front of Her trailer. Master also offered me advice on how to treat my own old dog, and even gave me money to buy vitamins and medicines for him. She thus showed Her generosity and compassion for all sentient beings in a practical manner.

Master is very quick, likes quick thinking and work, dislikes complicated things and likes us to be quick as well. Thus during the Retreat She gave us valuable lessons in efficiency as we witnessed Her convert a wild place into a pleasant, cultivated meditation center and organize a retreat in only two days. Master also said that the time during retreats is precious, that every second counts and She truly put Her words into action!

In summary, the limited medium of language is inadequate to describe the unlimited benefits that I and the other attendees derived from the 2005 Europe Retreat. Thank You, Master, for the invaluable blessings You constantly share with us.
