Panorama of Events

Report from Formosa

Environmental Protection Both Inside and Out

By the Keelung News Group


[Keelung] On April 30, 2005, the Keelung City Environmental Protection Bureau held a beach-cleaning activity at Badouzih Chaojing Park in conjunction with the ROC Environmental Protection Administration’s 2005 Formosa Ocean Year project targeting coastal cleaning. Members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association and more than thirty other groups participated in this meaningful event.

As Master says, “The more we become elevated the more we see that cleanliness is necessary. It’s the way of life. It’s not that one person is cleaner than the other, or someone loves more cleanliness. It’s the inner expression of beauty, virtue and Truth—the saintly way of life” (Originally in English, published in News #83). Embracing this concept, the fellow practitioners earnestly and quickly cleaned a beach that was not heavily littered—a good sign indicating the local people’s consciousness has risen regarding cleanliness. And as a result, they have been expending greater effort in preserving the environment.

While participating in the cleanup, Sister Wang, an enthusiastic volunteer who has devoted herself to this public-interest task for many years, said, “Master teaches us to meditate and observe a vegetarian diet. That’s environmental protection within our bodies and souls. The beach-cleaning activity is protecting the outer environment. Only when we observe environmental protection and cleanliness both inwardly and outwardly will we truly be observing Master’s teachings and ideals.” Hopefully, everyone will share this aspiration and work together to create a paradise on Earth free from pollution.

Report from Taipei Report From Chiayi


Events Date Book

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