'Alternative Living'
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The first was the city's New Year's Parade in downtown San Jose, where the sisters and brothers went to conduct a distribution effort, each carrying a few hundred leaflets and walking in pairs on various streets of the parade route to hand them out to people. Then later in the evening after the parade was over several sisters went to the Lunar New Year Fair held downtown to continue the flyer distribution, and altogether approximately 5,000 flyers were given out on this festive day.
In addition, on February 4 and 5, the initiates conducted a booth at the twenty-fourth Annual San Jose Tet [New Year's] Festival, which has an average attendance of 50,000. As visitors entered the main gate, they were greeted by smiling initiates distributing the beautiful "Alternative Living" flyers, and inside the Festival venue, directly across from the practitioners' booth, was a large area with chairs reserved for entertainment programs and sporting events. Here, instead of watching the performances on stage, the attendees were often drawn to the initiates' booth due to Master's aura of love and beauty, and turned their chairs around to watch Her DVD lectures for long periods.
In addition, one young man from a nearby display booth visited the Association's booth several times and mentioned, "My mother just moved to San Jose from another city and got to listen to Master on the local radio station a couple of times, and from then on she only wanted to eat a vegetarian diet." Thus, the pious young man purchased the Supreme Kitchen cookbook as a special New Year's gift for her.
The young man's comments and other positive outpourings from the public were quite touching. For instance, one couple said, "We like Master's weekly program so much that we wish we could listen to Her teachings daily." And many stated that they felt very uplifted from listening to Master's beautiful voice reciting poems in Aulacese, but they could hardly explain why.
Furthermore, a middle-aged man reported many fruitful outcomes from practicing the Convenient Method, saying, "While meditating, I enter samadhi for more than two hours but feel as if it's only several minutes." Nonetheless, his inner guidance was urging him to seek initiation into the Quan Yin Method because he knew that Master is the only fully enlightened teacher capable of taking him back to the Kingdom of God. Thus, he is now happily awaiting initiation.
Further, many guests described the benefits they received from Master's
teachings through media such as the Internet, radio, television, seminars,
festivals and community activities. Such positive feedback shows that
with Master by our side and in our hearts, every day offers us hope and
joy. Thanks to our beloved Master for bringing us this eternal spring!
[Los Angeles, CA] After receiving Master's instructions to disseminate "Alternative Living" flyer, Los Angeles Center initiates quickly began a distribution effort in Southern California. Since the area has a population of over 17,000,000, the initiates decided that a mass mailing would be the most efficient way to reach the largest number of people in the shortest time. So on February 15, 2006, over 613,000 copies of the flyer printed in the PennySaver, a periodical featuring classified and local business ads, were mailed in selected communities within the region.
In addition, the initiates published the flyer in the "Health & Family" section of The Orange County Register newspaper on Sunday, February 12, 2006, and they plan to have the leaflet printed in several other major newspapers in coming weeks. Several area college papers such as New University of the University of California at Irvine and The Western Sun of Golden West College in Huntington Beach, CA also recently printed Master's message.
Besides these print media efforts, the initiates have used other innovative means to spread the flyer. For instance, one brother posted it online for free, exposing forty major cities in the United States to its contents, and another put up the flier along with an inspiring poem on college and apartment complex billboards, and near all the residential mailboxes.
Moreover, the disciples have been distributing 395,000 color copies of the flyer by hand throughout the greater Los Angeles area. For example, on February 4 and 5, 2006, during the Chinese New Year celebration in the LA suburb of El Monte the sisters and brothers handed out many leaflets to visitors.
Through these diverse methods, LA practitioners are assisting humankind
and our animal friends by enhancing awareness of a more healthy and loving
way of life through Master's message of companionate consumption.
And they encourage others to lead their friends and family on this path
as well. As the "Alternative Living" flyer states, "No
more killing; be healthy and loving." If we can become more conscious,
caring and kind we will ensure a bright and pleasant future for all.
Antonia, Texas] Upon receiving Master's assignment to spread
the "Alternative Living" flyers by as many means as possible,
Austin and San Antonio initiates had 70,000 copies of the leaflet printed
and distributed 30,000 in public libraries, supermarkets, a vegetarian
restaurant, health food stores and schools. Moreover, brothers and sisters
are continuously distributing the materials door-to-door, in shopping
malls, in parking lots and in the streets.
Besides these conventional methods of dissemination, the initiates also had the flyer printed as a full-page color ad in the local community publications Tieng Viet, and U.S. Viet Times. One initiate also created a large, beautiful "Alternative Living" billboard and carried it with him when he went out to distribute flyers so that people could read its message from a distance. In addition, the practitioners spread Master's message around the world through the Internet by posting the flyer on over a dozen discussion forums. In one popular forum, the flyer was read by several thousand readers in just a day and a half, and some responded to its contents with highly positive notes.
The brothers and sisters of Austin and San Antonio thank God for the
great opportunity to share Master's life-changing message of universal
compassion and are very happy to participate in this noble work.