Feature Reports - Accompanying God's Children
for Growth
Vegetarianism and Spiritual Practice
are the Best Ways to Raise Children
By Sister Wong, Hsinchu, Formosa (Originally in Chinese)
Both of my children, one girl and one boy, were vegetarians since the
fetus stage. When my daughter was about two years old and my son was
about one, my whole family became acquainted with Master. During the
early years when Master gave lectures in Formosa, they were always seen
carried by their father in each arm, waiting at the entrance of the
lecture hall for Master’s arrival, and then entering the hall
to listen to the lecture. Today, my daughter is studying in a university
and performing remarkably. As she has always been the best in her department
each semester she will be qualified to graduate earlier than other students.
Her younger brother will also be in his second year of University soon.
Looking back, it’s all due to Master’s loving guidance and
When they were little, their teachers always reported to my husband
and me how good they were. For instance, my daughter was the only one
in her class who would play with the mentally challenged child and also
assisted him in his homework; while my son would help the retarded children
with their bodily hygiene. In fact, we had never asked them to do so.
They just did it spontaneously under the subtle influence of Master’s
blessing in their daily lives since young. Had their teacher not told
us, we as parents, would have never found out the things they did, praised
by their teachers.
Before my husband (also an initiate) and I got married, we both received
long hours of professional training to become lifeline volunteers. But
often when we listened to the phone calls from the people asking for
help, we noticed that most of them knew the right thing to do, but could
not bring themselves to do so. In the same sense, although my husband
and I always remind each other that God will arrange everything for
our children and all we need to do is to try our best to care and love
them, there were still times when we were worried about them and had
disagreements with them in the process of their growing up. Whenever
we encountered such occasions, we would communicate with the inner Master
through meditation. And very soon, we knew what to do. The blessing
power we obtained through meditation also enabled us to carry out the
necessary tasks easily, view everything in a positive way and the results
have always been satisfactory!
Because my whole family has the fortune of being initiated by Master
and to practice spiritually, both of my children are able to grow up
healthily, fulfilled spiritually and praised by their teachers, relatives
and friends. We deeply realized that through initiation and spiritual
practice with Master, one receives not only spiritual elevation, but
also daily benefits. 
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