Contributing with God’s Love to the HOHBy Los Angeles Center (Originally in Aulacese)The HOH is a shelter for abused women and children. Its location is kept confidential. Those who come to the shelter are seeking help during times that they must leave their home for reasons of personal safety; the hope is that they may be able to live a normal life after the crisis has passed. On April 22, 2006, a number of initiates from the Los Angeles Center had the opportunity to bring God’s love to this shelter. Upon our arrival, we felt the sadness that permeated the place, but after asking for permission to turn on the music CD sung by Master, the atmosphere was suddenly transformed and became lively and joyful! We served 80 vegetarian meals together with water and fruit juice to the shelter inhabitants. In addition, each person was given Master’s Alternative Living flyer. The mothers read the flyers while eating and some showed the pictures to their children. It was a very heartwarming sight to behold. Initiates visited each table to talk
with the families, who were touched and repeatedly thanked us for our
love and for the good food. We left feeling grateful to God that we
had the chance to serve and to share some of Hiers boundless blessings.