Master Says
Be Your Children's Best
Friend |
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Surrey,
United Kingdom,
January 7, 2006 (Originally in English)
1: My son learned the Convenient
Method a long time ago, but he didn’t practice. And then he became
a teenager and was very rebellious, with smoking and drinking and lying,
and stealing and drugs, everything.
M: Oh, God, drugs! You have to watch it. You have to say
Yes, I did. I was fighting with him a lot.
M: OK. Then what happened?
P1:We had a lot of trouble. But eventually
all of a sudden he realized that he would be stuck in this place where
he didn’t want to be and that he could go a lot further. So he
cleaned everything up. And then we kept encouraging him to come and
meditate with us, but slowly, because a lot of people put pressure on
their kids to get initiated, but they don’t really practice.
M: I understand.
I said to him, “If you meditate every single day for six weeks,
then maybe I will consider putting in your application for full initiation.”
So for six weeks, every morning he’d come to meditate, but I didn’t
always believe what he said one hundred percent.
M: I understand.
I would see it when he did it.
M: Okay. So he did.
And then this time when I went home, I said, “If you read the
five books, Key to Immediate Enlightenment Vol. 1 to Vol. 5, and if
you read the Master’s magazine every month, and if you go to a
group meditation whenever you get a chance, then I will put in your
application.” He also agreed. So You have two of those people.
M: Good! Yes, fine!
I’m sorry to be so strict with him, but I know that he is lazy.
And I want to because I don’t want to waste Your time with him,
or his time with You. I have to make sure.
M: Very good! Very good. If he does just half of what you
say, then he can be initiated, OK?
OK, fantastic!
M: I walk half-way. (Applause)
Okay, thank You. But he’s a good boy. He is very happy now.
M: I understand.
When I went home, he looked very blessed and very happy. Actually, he
is a very good boy with a good heart, but he tries to learn to be bad.
M: It’s not that. It’s just the peer pressure.
I tell all of you parents because your word really does matter. Many
parents don’t say anything, or they say very little. So the child
doesn’t think it’s really that important to stay away from
drugs. You really have to say, “No!” You have to tell him
or her what damage will be done. You have to repeat it again, again
and again. In a nice, presentable, logical way; you have to say “No.”
Okay? Don’t just say, “Let it be,” or, “Whatever,
it’s natural.” No, it’s not like that. Because when
the kids go out there, they have hundreds or thousands of bad influences
waiting for them on every corner, and they are vulnerable. They are
So you have to say no; you have to
walk with him all the steps, all the way. Every day, talk together like
friends, OK? And don’t scold him for every little mistake or the
things that he does, but encourage him and tell him, “This is
no good. You have to stop it. It really matters to your health, your
future and to the family.” Tell them that you don’t feel
good, that you feel really bad about it. You have to tell them your
feeling because kids don’t understand.
Sometimes if you don’t say anything
or if you aren’t strict with them, they even think you don’t
care, that you don’t care whether they live or die or whether
they’re good or bad; so they just feel rejected and neglected.
Then they get worse and worse so that they get your attention. But if
you pay attention to them, proportionately in the beginning, not like
spoiling them or being over-attentive, but like a friend, then they
naturally confess everything to you. Then you will know what they’re
up to and what the friends are up to, and they have to trust you. They
trust you, and then they tell you everything; then you know where they
stand, and you know how to help them. Because when they are out there,
they’re very alone. You think they are your children and so they’re
protected. No! When they’re outside in the school, they are not
protected. Sometimes there are bullies in the school, and they don’t
dare to tell you, and sometimes they do this or do that, just to be
“in,” in the company of other gangs. Otherwise, they will
be cast out as no good, as a sissy, and these names are very painful
to a teenager.
So you have to tell them what’s
good and what’s bad, and that the names don’t matter. You
have to be there to support them and be their friend, so they can lean
on you and they can trust you so that the whole world doesn’t
matter to them anymore. Then, those people cannot cast a shadow on your
children. Because the bad society still exists. Especially for the kids,
because if other parents don’t know how to teach them, then your
kids get the bad influence from them and they all infect each other.
So you have to be firm. You have to say “No” even if he
doesn’t like it. He will; you just have to say it in a logical
and loving way.
Then, day by day, even if he doesn’t
like it today, it will sink in, and one day the tables will turn; he
will see the bad side of his friends and think, “Oh, my father
is better. He is right. Look at you now: You take drugs and you are
like that, and look at what happened to you! My father is right. I don’t
want to be like you.” So, one day, even if he is already badly
influenced, your influence will still count. It’s better than
no influence! Especially since you have power as well, you have to say
no to all the bad things that the kids want to try and experiment with.
Even with something sensitive like
a sexual issue, you have to sit down and talk to them. Maybe they know
a lot more than you do already. But then you have to know what they
know, in order to guide them. Don’t feel embarrassed about these
things and then wait until they have trouble; then it’s too late.
Better to be embarrassed now than later, because they might even lose
their life by contracting some bad disease.
You have to tell them the way you would
tell yourself. So, you have to be friends with your children. If you
are not their friend, who can be their friend? You are the best friend
they could have, in fact, the only friend they should have until they
grow up. Of course they have friends, but they’re all the same
age. They don’t know much. Those are the buddies; they’re
not friends. You are the friend; you are the guide. They look up to
you. And now that you have cleaned yourself, you are even a better guide
and better friend.
Family Love Is Very Important to the Children
In the whole wide world out there,
they should know that they have you all the time. That makes them feel
confident, strong and loved, and that will make them able to beat anything
else. Because if they don’t feel loved, they feel dragged down.
They don’t feel interest in doing anything, and then they will
try anything just to pick themselves up. So family love is very important
to the children. You have to give it to them, unconditionally! Be firm,
but with love.
Just like the way I treat you: I scold
you sometimes, but you are loved, and you know that. Even if I scold
you, you know you can rely on me. You know that I don’t harm you.
You know that, don’t you? (Audience: Yes, Master!) It’s
the same in how you treat your children. They know they are loved at
all times, but don’t just give in to their whims. Spoiling them
is different from understanding and friendliness.
Befriend and be their friend. If they
come home and confess something bad to you like, “Oh, today, I
did something that was supposed to be bad,” don’t scold
them right away and say, “You bad boy!” You say, “Thank
you for telling me this. I really feel very privileged that you tell
me; even though you know that it might be not very good to tell me,
but I am so glad you told me.” And then help them according to
their situation, because they are kids. If they make a mistake, it’s
because they are kids.
Look at you, so grown up and still
make a lot of mistakes. How can kids not make a mistake? So, along the
way, guide them, love them and anytime they confess to you something
bad, don’t scold them. Just tell them that you’re really
glad and you feel privileged that they trust you. That will make them
tell you more, because mistakes are bound to happen and bad influences
are bound to happen everywhere, so you should be glad that they tell
you something. Then, according to that, you can correct them. Let them
tell you. Act like a buddy, not too much like an authoritative figure.
Not too much!
It’s a very subtle situation.
It’s not like every family is the same. But the guideline is to
be a friend. Be a friend so they can cry on your shoulder, and they
can trust you; then they will listen to you. Thank you for bringing
this up so I can, by the way, tell everyone. (Applause)
P1:There are also programs on TV now
that show you how to deal with teenagers and children. When I grew up,
we didn’t have these shows. But I think with my son, there was
a turning point one day.
M: A turning point! OK.
I always used to say to him: “Look, drugs are bad and you should
stay away from them. But you’re going out all the time.”
Sometimes we would fight quite viciously with each other, and then my
wife would become involved as well. My son would get her on his side,
and then I’d feel very powerless and angry. Then I’d say,
“Well, I’ll leave you two together; you can do what you
like.” But I always tried to give him some good advice.
M: I understand.
One time he went out, and I told him, “Look, I don’t want
you to go out. You’re going out every night; I want you to stay
in. You can go out on the weekend, but not every day.”
M: Yes.
But he still went out that night. So I confiscated his computer. I took
it in my room and locked it in there. When he came back, he said, “I’m
going to go in the room and get the computer.” But I had watched
one of these programs the day before.
M: Yes?
In this program, the trainer was teaching the teenager how not to get
angry. The trainer was in the boxing ring with the teenager, and he
said to the teenager, “I’m going to swear at you and I’m
going to wind you up, but if you hit me, then you’ve lost.”
So, I used that technique on my son. Whatever he said, whether he swore
to me or called me this and that, I would say, “Look, I’m
not really angry. I love you, but I am not going to give your computer
back until you stop going out.”
M: Right!
My son said, “You’ll see.” So he reached for the door,
thinking that I would be embarrassed and give in to him because I had
a friend there who came for meditation on Wednesday nights. But I involved
my friend. I said, “Look, I’m having an argument with my
son; he’s been going out all the time so I confiscated his computer.
If you don’t mind, we’ll meditate in the other room today.”
Also, at that time, because my son
put too much energy into swearing at me and everything, I said, “Look,
I’ve heard all that before, the ‘You are stupid and so and
so’. I love you, but I won’t give you the computer back.”
M: Right, he doesn’t deserve it.
Yes. Actually, after that I took the computer to work and left it there
for about two weeks. And that evening, because I didn’t fight
with him, he couldn’t involve his mother. She was on my side.
M: I understand.
We were both trying to help him, and every day, really lovingly I kept
repeating “I love you” to him. He would say, “I hate…”
but I would say, “I love you, I love you.” So I think it’s
because he lost a lot of power that way. In fact, I gave an advertisement
for You. I said, “Look I’ve been with the Supreme Master
for ten years, don’t you think I’ve learned a few tricks?”
M: So what did he say?
After that time, our relationship improved a lot.
M: Yes?
I gave the computer back to him, but only after he did a lot of testing.
I understand.
And then I helped him with his studies; because the subject he’s
studying, I also graduated in.
M: Ah, cool!
So we made a good relationship like that.
M: Yes? All right.
We’re slowly building, slowly building, and every day I’m
seeing that he’s improving.
M: Yes, those are the hard times in their life, the teenage
years, because their hormones are raised.
They have a lot of bad influences around them.
M: Also.
Other boys influence them with drugs and everything, and showing off.
M: I know.
Also, I can see that when he’s with people who are very low level,
he is forcing them to be his friend. They don’t even want him,
but he forces himself there, just to fit in.
M: Yes, I know. They do that all the time in school. It’s
the peer pressure because they have to be cool. Not just to wear the
same, they have to act the same. So if they drink, you have to drink.
Otherwise you don’t get in. They will make fun of you and all
that. You just have to make sure he doesn’t have to go through
all this suffering for nothing. Tell him the value is not by being cool,
but by being a good student, intelligent and independent.
I did get through to him a couple of times. One time I got a call from
an ambulance because he was lying in the road after vomiting and being
very drunk. But that day when I brought him home, I was really loving
to him that whole time; I wasn’t angry with him at all. I said,
“I’m going to wait until you get better, then I want to
beat you!” (Laughter) But I know what it’s like to be poisoned
with alcohol like that. Also, one time he was arrested by police, and
I was ill so I couldn’t get him, but I didn’t know where
he was. So the following day – he was in the cell overnight –
I talked to him and said, “Look, son, this can be your life if
you want it to be, but I think you can do better than this, because
you are a bright intelligent boy.”
M: You have to ask him to write down what he wants to do
with his life. Don’t tell him what he wants to do, but ask him
what he wants to choose, what he wants to be, what kind of person he
wants to be.
This is all in the past now. Now he has turned a corner. (Master: That’s
good!) He is very focused on his studies; he’s meditating now.
M: Oh, cool!
He is happy!
M: Wow, what a guy! From that, and turned to this. I am proud
of you.
Thank You. (Applause)
M: It’s also your work, that you have made it. Wow,
family: I tell you!
Support from the Parent Can Make a World
of Difference to the Child
I was also initiated when I was quite young, and I also went through
a lot of peer pressure and everything in school. I’ve done most
of the things he’s talking about.
M: I understand.
Then my life turned around when I did have meditation, and I knew You
were by my side and knew You were always inside, with me. My life just
turned around when I started meditating. Then everything in my life
was so amazing. When I was young, I wouldn’t walk outside and
always smile because the sun was out. But now I’m just so overwhelmed
to have You with me and I know that every day You will be with me.
M: Sure, every day.
I just want to let you know that I really appreciate everything You’ve
done for me.
M: I love doing that, and I love you.
Thank You. I love You too, Master.
M:Because you are a good kid, such a good kid.
Thank You so much for everything You have done.
M: I understand you also, OK? I understand you and all the
teenagers. It’s very lonely outside. You think they have peers,
they have friends, but they are very lonely. The ones who are not lonely
are the aggressive ones: the bullies in the school, like the gang leaders.
They make every other kid do what they want, and then they pick on other
kids, like, “You’re too fat” or, “You’re
too skinny.” They call you names and make you feel like you are
nothing, like you are the worst in the class and everything. They will
make your life hell.
So you, the parents, have to understand
that the kids have problems. Don’t just throw them in the school
and then you have to do nothing. You have to understand their problems
as well. Sometimes they even gang together to harass one person, one
kid, and then the kid comes home; of course they are depressed. They
don’t know what to do. They can’t tell the parents. Sometimes
they can’t even pinpoint the problem; they just feel bad! But
they can’t even tell you because they don’t know how to
express the things from school. Also, they feel powerless but they feel
embarrassed to tell you. So if you are not the real buddy, they won’t
tell you their problems because of pride as well. Teenagers are more
proud than any of us. This is the time they develop their confidence.
If all their friends, their so-called buddies and classmates just throw
stones at them, then of course they feel destroyed.
So you have to be there for your children;
you already made the choice to be married and to have children. You
have to be responsible; you have to be there for your children. Of course,
you meditate and all that, but you have to be there for your children.
You have to know that it’s very difficult for them to grow up
without the love of parents and family. It’s very important for
them to feel loved, no matter what. They have to really feel it. Otherwise
in school there are bullies, and at home they don’t feel wanted.
They don’t feel cared for. Even if you scold them sometimes, they
know you care. But if you just ignore them and don’t even scold,
just say, “OK, you do what you want,” and after a while
don’t talk to them, it will be worse. They are going through a
very difficult period in their lives, because the teenage period is
the worst. They grow too quickly for their own understanding; their
body grows too quickly; they hardly have control of their body. That’s
why sometimes they break things or they bump into things a lot, because
of their body growing too quickly.
Teenagers break a lot of things easily,
easier than when you grow older or younger, because of their body. Really,
I am not kidding! Their body grows fast and the brain has a difficult
time commanding; they are not used to it. Just like you have a new car
or new instrument, it takes time. Then on top of that, the bloody curse:
the hormones raging in them, making them feel like they don’t
know what to do. They are so restless.
So be understanding. Be helpful, be
a friend and be a guide. Remember that you were a teenager once. There
were so many things you didn’t understand: why it was happening,
why your body felt like that, why you felt that way or why you wanted
to do this. You didn’t understand many things! It’s the
same for your children.
I am glad. (Master addresses the practitioner
who had been sharing her own experience.) You are good; but how many
teenagers can be so controlled and confident like that? So I’m
glad you are a good kid. I’m glad you’re strong, because
the social pressure in the school could destroy your kids. Some of them
commit suicide because of that. Sometimes the kids are very intelligent
inside, but because of the destructive power of the bully people who
make him or her feel powerless, then they drop their grades or don’t
study well because they cannot concentrate from feeling so depressed
and unhappy. Their intelligence is also ruined.
Always Keep Your Promise to Your Kids
So if your kids sometimes have lower
grades or suddenly drop, you have to understand why. You have to talk
to him. Bring him out to his favorite coffee shop and sit together,
two by two. Or one-on-one; it depends on who he gets on well with. Together
with the parents, or just together first with the father if she gets
on better with the father and then together with both, and then go on.
And if he or she tells you to keep a secret, you keep it. It’s
very important that you keep your promise to your kids. If you want
to buy him something, and if you promise, you do it. If you don’t
do it, you’d better have a good reason! Otherwise he or she won’t
trust you. Also, if you leak out a secret without telling him first,
he won’t trust you again.
It’s not easy to raise a family,
but I’m glad that many of you do well. I can see that your families
have good kids. Even though they’re going through a very difficult
period of their life, because you are the supporter and you bring them
into the good direction, they become good, and they can sail through
this troubled water with flying colors. That’s the best way to
bring your child up; it’s very good. So I congratulate you. It’s
good for the whole family: a “package deal.” I am very proud
of you. I really am so proud. (Applause)
We all have our shortcomings, so just
try. If you notice it, then try to correct. It’s not the big things
that make people happy in the family, it’s the small things, the
small details. Big things take care of themselves. Small details are
very important and show that you care. For example, if you sit with
your children for a few hours and talk or play with things together,
it’s even more important to them than if you buy them a big toy
and neglect and don’t talk to them. You care. So be firm; don’t
spoil them, like the kid that was too bad. What you did was good. You
have to be strong when you need to be, and they have to earn what they
want. Not that you just buy anything they want and don’t guide
them in an educational way. That’s very bad, very bad! Yeah? Kids
should learn the value of high thinking and simple living.
To Restore Your God-Given Happiness, Look Forward
Not Back
3: Master, I want to thank
You for all Your blessings; because when I was young, I suffered a lot
in school and in the family, but the last years, I have gotten so much
blessing. Miracles happen every day and now I’m very happy.
M: You are more confident now? (P3:Yes.)
It could destroy you, you know. The childhood is very bad! It could
affect you your whole life, not just in childhood. It’s very difficult
to get your confidence back, especially since they’re so cruel
in the school, some of the Astrals. They pick on you, and they make
you feel really bad. Even sometimes you’re not ugly, but according
to them, you are ugly. Or they want you to feel ugly, because they are
uglier than you. And then they keep repeating the same thing to make
you really feel ugly, even though you are not ugly. The psychological
effect is immense.
I cannot emphasize enough how you have
to really love and guide your children. You must understand. All right,
number one: Get over it. Some people are so stupid that they don’t
appreciate other people. Or they’re jealous. Sometimes you are
more intelligent, or you have richer parents, or you have a better house,
or you even have a better-looking boyfriend. And so they plan to crush
you. But because you’re kids, you don’t understand much.
Also, you’re so nice. Mostly
the kids who are picked on are nice kids. Just the tough ones go pick
on other people. The nice kids are quiet; they study and do their own
homework and don’t do anything bad. It’s just that they
are too good, so they don’t know how to defend themselves. That’s
the problem.
It’s good that you got back your
happiness. You deserve it. Everyone deserves happiness. If you don’t
have it, then it’s your problem. You have to see why you’re
not happy or what area of your life bothers you. One time, I was in
France and there was a woman who kept telling me about how bad she felt
because of her husband and the family. It wasn’t all that difficult
to handle, but she kept nagging me and asking. I told her and she didn’t
change. So I said, “OK, you know what? If it’s me, I just
look into my life, and any area that’s bugging me, anything that’s
making me unhappy, I just get rid of it.”
She said, “What? Really? Everything?”
And I said, “Anything!” She said, “The husband?”
I said that if the husband bugs me, I sell him. (Laughter) If a car
makes trouble, I sell the car. If the house troubles me, I sell the
house. First, I said, “If the car troubles me, then I sell the
car.” Then I said, “If the house makes trouble for me, I
sell the house.” And she said, “How about husband?”
I said, “If the husband bothers me, I sell the husband.”
(Master laughs.) It takes time; with the husband it’s more difficult,
but it’s not like it’s not doable.
This is a joke, but it can be realized.
What do you keep yourself in trouble for? Maybe you can’t get
rid of it now, but you can plan to. Try to look forward. In school it’s
the same for kids. If you have someone bullying you, you have to go
home and tell your parents; be up-front. Tell them because they will
help you. You have to tell them. If you cannot tell them in words because
you don’t know how or it’s too difficult to talk, write
a letter. Think of what you want to tell them and write it! It’s
easier to write than sometimes to talk, because you have a longer time
to think and to formulate your ideas since as a kid, it’s difficult
for you to talk sometimes. And when you’re too emotional while
talking, you just can’t express it. So maybe you think about what
you want to tell your parents about the problem, write it down and give
it to them.