By Sister Jiang, Mainland China (Originally in Chinese)On April 24, Golden Year 3 (2006), I was taking a rest in sister Liang’s living room at noon. Sister Yang and another sister were in the room as well. I lay back and stared at Master’s photo on the wall. In the photo, Master was wearing a white hat and white clothes and sitting on a rock. Her back was facing the camera. She was apparently concentrating on doing something. One could not tell if She was painting a rock, or a picture, or was reading a book. On Her left side was a basket containing some food; on Her right side, there was a staff stretching out that touched the rocks on the ground. There were also trees, a small stream and rocks of different sizes in the photo. The sky was a little gray and dark. I really loved this photo with Master in the wild mountain scenery. While I was looking, suddenly I saw a ray of white light pouring down from the sky to Master’s right-hand side. I tried to calm my excitement. In order to make sure that the light was not coming from a reflection of the sunlight outside, I asked the sister standing by the photo to move the frame a little bit, and so she did. Right at that moment, miraculously, all three of us saw an extremely bright white light that radiated from the top of Master’s head, went down through Her staff on the right side and reached the rocks on the ground. Immediately, all the rocks became alive as if under a magical touch, shining with beautiful bright lights. The background sky far away also expanded and flashed with countless white lights. The trees in the photo danced under the gentle breeze and the small stream flowed smoothly, filling the gaps between all the rocks (originally, there was no water between many of the rocks). Suddenly, the whole room became one with the photo and was immersed in bright white lights, warm breezes and fragrant flowing water like nectar. The scene reminded me of Zhuang Zi’s dream: “Last night I had a dream, in which I was transformed into a butterfly. But I was not sure if it was I who turned into a butterfly, or the butterfly that turned into me.” (From the Chapter "Ci Wu Lun" of Zhuang Zi) In the same sense, I was not sure if it was we who became light, water and breeze, or if the light, water and breeze were originally us. Bathed in the bright lights, caressed by the gentle breezes and cleansed in the flowing water, the three of us were completely elated and calm. We could feel the ease of the trees when they were dancing and the joy of the rocks when they were twinkling. And there were also nectars that even sweetened the ends of our tongues. Perhaps, this was the true baptism! “Yes! This is indeed the true baptism from God!” sister Liang exclaimed in great joy. Feeling the supreme blessing, we all
jumped down from our chairs, knelt on the floor and kowtowed to Master.
We kept saying, “Thank You, Master! Thank You, Master!”
This extraordinary experience turned us into such 3-year-old children
that we did not know what to do, except keep kowtowing to Master. This
miraculous experience lasted for almost 40 minutes….