[Los Angeles, California]
“In the beginning God created the Heavens and
the Earth.” Based on the Bible, we should treasure Mother Earth
as a gift bestowed by God, a haven created by Hirm for sentient beings
to live in and learn with each other. It took billions of years for
this beautiful planet to come into existence, brimming with exotic flora
and fauna and glorious civilizations. Supreme Master Ching Hai has shared
that due to God’s blessings, we are now living in the Golden Era
of this planet, and the consciousness of people has been elevated. Their
enlightened views are evident through their efforts to protect and preserve
this precious Earth. Every day the popularity of the “green”
environmental movement increases: recycling programs are active in most
neighborhoods, companies try to use more biodegradable resources and
celebrities bring attention to ecology issues with their star power.
In recent times, more people around the country celebrate Earth Day
annually on April 22.
As Supreme Master Ching Hai explained in Her
lecture, “This planet Earth is very precious. Should God wish
to punish it, destroy it, there is nothing we can do but to comply with
Hiers will. However, if it still can be saved, then we should save it.
It is because this world is a very good school, where many souls can
come to learn and grow.” (Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Japan Airport, September 8, 1994 Originally in Chinese. News #38 “Spot
On this note, it was with great enthusiasm that
the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in Los Angeles
participated in LA’s largest Earth Day celebration at the 6th
Annual WorldFest Vegan Fair at Woodley Park in Encino, California, where
thousands of people attend every year. Companies and organizations were
there to promote ecologically-friendly living with solar-powered products,
information on recycling, and other ways to “save” the Earth.
All food exhibitors provided only vegan offerings.
Throughout the day, our Association’s booth
was filled with excitement and joy in sharing Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
teachings and introducing the delicious variety that vegetarian cuisine
encompasses. Master has shared that, “We have to pay for everything
we use in this physical universe. Therefore, all the Masters emphasize
following a vegetarian diet, which has the least cost to the various
forms of existence.” (Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai at Columbia
University, New York, U.S.A., November 4, 1989 Originally in English.
News #144 “Selected
Questions and Answers”) Thus, the Alternative Living
flyers along with vegetarian recipes were enthusiastically passed out
to the festival attendees. Younger fellow initiates dressed in cow costumes
and also passed out the flyers. The information was happily received
by the fair-goers. Many people asked permission to take more flyers
with them so they could distribute it to their family and friends. They
said they wanted to continue to share the message of Alternative Living,
which they felt was so thorough, informative and well presented in the
In addition to the Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
sample booklets and teachings, vegetarian cooking videos and television
program “A Journey through Aesthetic Realms” were also introduced
to attendees. Master’s image and voice on the television caught
the attention of many passersby who then stayed to watch the video,
which emanated with Her great love and light. One woman said, “The
first time we discovered Master Ching Hai was when we visited the Vegetarian
House in San Jose. There were Her pictures and Her books around, and
since then we’ve seen Her at many other vegetarian restaurants,
so we know She’s doing good work.”
Another lady said, “I would like to tell
Supreme Master Ching Hai, ‘Thank You so much for doing the work
You do. It’s valuable, it’s very much appreciated and it’s
offer people a more constant source of spiritual comfort and information,
Association members also informed attendees of the national television
series, “A Journey through Aesthetic Realms,” broadcast
every first and third Sunday on i: Independent Television. Quite a number
of people expressed how wonderful it is that Master’s TV program
is presenting such a positive message on television as opposed to the
often-seen violence and unwholesome programming. One viewer said, “I
saw Her on TV. I think Her work is good and what She’s doing is
very noble.”
People who visited the booth were all invited
to receive complimentary tea, a healthier alternative than soda. Moreover,
the response was overwhelming for the vegetarian food. The vegetarian
barbecue attracted many hungry attendees who waited to get the skewers
hot off the grill. One person shared that the food was “tasty,
yet healthy and humane.”
At the end of the day, the organizers of the WorldFest Vegan Fair came
to our booth and expressed their joy to see the Supreme Master Ching
Hai International Association participating every year. They said our
booth is always the most popular and that people always call and ask
if we’ll be participating.
Upon departing, we all wished in our hearts that
people will continue to celebrate every day as Earth Day. Master has
said in Her lecture, “God has given us and our planet greatly
progressive procedures and timing. And we have to update ourselves with
Hiers grace so we live according to the times on this progressive Earth.”
(Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Warsaw, Poland, May 11, 1999 Originally
in English. News #145 “Master’s Words”) Therefore,
we must do our duty to preserve this precious planet for future generations
as a living legacy of God’s love for humankind. We are sincerely
grateful to Master for Her grace in creating Heaven on Earth and continuing
to illuminate the planet’s future to become brighter and brighter.