Alternative Living Extends More Love to Vegetarianism in the UKBy London News Group (Originally in English)
In the UK we are pretty lucky as vegetarianism is not a new concept. In fact since the 1960s the British have embraced vegetarianism as a healthier option for well-being, spirituality and humanitarian reasons. In London alone, there are well over 200 vegetarian restaurants and cafés from which to choose. Health food shops are filled with different types of vegetarian burgers, sausages and other meat alternatives. Even the so-called regular restaurants always provide several vegetarian options to choose from. At dinner parties it’s not unusual to find that at least two out of ten are vegetarian, thus making vegetarian fare a normal consideration. There is even a bank in the UK that has introduced the ‘vegetarian credit card’! When Master first introduced the Alternative Living flyer, London and Surrey Centers got together to cover most of the UK, including Ireland and Scotland, in order to share Master’s message of vegetarianism to more people as well as plant a seed to forever change the consciousness of the planet. Many towns have been visited since the first flyers were printed; fellow initiates from all around the country, especially Surrey and London, organized weekends dedicated to the mass distribution of Alternative Living flyers. Initiates also contributed for the printing of Alternative Living flyers in Italy and Israel. Moreover, UK practitioners extended their Alternative Living message sharing to a large exhibition event. On March 30, Golden Year 3 (2006), brothers and sisters set up for their first-ever vegetarian cooking activity, held at one of the biggest exhibition fairs in the UK. The Vitality Show at Kensington Olympia is an annual four-day event that features health, sports, organic foods, beauty, and relaxation exhibits for the multicultural crowds of London. The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association’s booth was bright green and decorated with lots of loving animals all around, showing the ideal of true love for the animal kingdom. One sister designed and made aprons with the Alternative Living logo on the front, and helpers at the stall also wore caps and t-shirts with the AL logo and sweet animal pictures. One woman even asked where she could buy the t-shirt! Two restaurants owned by initiates provided the food, and displays of the food attracted thousands of people. At one point, the line of people waiting to be served extended around the corner and past the stands next door. The event was a huge success. Initiates stood on both sides of the stall to deliver the AL flyers and spoke to those interested about our work and the benefits of changing to a vegetarian diet. Many people returned after reading the flyer to order food. Sample booklets were also given to anyone interested in learning more of Master’s teachings. Some attendees were so impressed by the booth and its displays that they asked why we had not been there in previous years. Several weeks later, the organizers of the event contacted us to say that our booth had been an asset to the show and in fact was ranked as one of the three most outstanding in the event. Considering that this was our first time to organize and participate in such a major event, with Master’s grace, we managed to overcome every obstacle. We all learned, especially about working together, and look forward to doing more of the same in the future. During the four days of the exhibition, more
than 7,000 Alternative Living flyers and 1,000 leaflets containing vegetarian
recipes were distributed. Between the positive reception to the flyers
and the enthusiastic appetites of the people who bought the vegetarian
food, we felt that all of London had been permeated with love for humankind’s
dear animal friends. We wish to thank Master for giving us this opportunity
to serve the planet on all levels.