A Goldfishes’ Message
for Master

By sister-initiate Phenix, Vienna Center,
Austria (Originally in German)
the occasion of Your birthday, I would like to wish You all the
best on behalf of the animals whose lives You are saving. They
wish Master a long life, good health and all good things in every
it was about two years ago that a gold fish asked me to thank
You for Your compassionate mission of encouraging a vegetarian
lifestyle. Here is the story about him:
You started talking about how to speak to animals, I also tried
to communicate with them by sending them love and mental pictures,
and due to Your blessing it actually works. So I started talking
to different kinds of animals, and I became much more sensitive
to their feelings and needs. One evening we were at a sister-initiate’s
place that has this aquarium with several gold fish. When I looked
at one of the fish, I found that he was very upset. He was swimming
around nervously with his big angry eyes almost bulging out of
his face. So I asked him what was the matter and he started pouring
his heart out to me. He told me that before he and the other gold
fish had been in a restaurant and that they were next to another
aquarium with bigger fish in it, like trout and lobsters, that
were kept to be killed and served to the guests. He said that
they were so big and beautiful, but one by one they had been killed,
often right before his eyes, and then fried. He said it was just
terrible that he had to watch this horrible slaughter every day,
and he could not understand how human beings could do this to
his kin. He told me that fish are actually very kind creatures
and invisibly connected with each other, and that if you were
friends with even just one fish, all the fish would love you and
protect you when you were out at sea. He also said that gold fish
are some kind of guardian species among the fish. He continued
to say that some time ago there was another gold fish in the aquarium
but it had died, and that sometimes he and the other fish got
scared, because the sister’s little son played too loud
music close to the aquarium. He said that he loves the sister
who is the practitioner best of all, because she is very kind
and gentle.
calm him down, I told him that not all human beings kill and eat
animals and that I, for instance, do not eat any fish, or any
other animals, because I love them. I told him that I had a spiritual
Master who had taught me to do so, and that She was encouraging
people to become vegetarian and be compassionate and loving towards
animals and all life. He then said that this was indeed a very,
very good thing to do, and he sincerely thanked You and wished
You all the best. He asked me to tell You that all the fish love
You for what You are doing for them and all the other animals.
my amazement, the gold fish then told me that he also had some
sort of Master, a beautiful, radiant golden fish that was teaching
him and the other fish many things. It then occurred to me that
because the sister who owns the fish is a practitioner, Your transformation
body even takes care of her fish, teaching them in the form of
a beautiful golden Master Fish!
I happened to come back to the sister’s place the next day,
I found that the little fish had become much calmer. Another gold
fish, who seemed to be his wife or girlfriend, also told me that
she was very happy for him, because he was feeling much better
after I had told him about You and Your compassionate teachings
of respect for all life and vegetarianism. Afterwards the sister
who owns the gold fish confirmed that it was really true that
one of the fish had died, that the aquarium had previously been
in her husband’s meat restaurant, and that there had been
another aquarium with trout, lobsters, etc. next to it.
is the story of the gold fish and the message he asked me to convey
to You, Master! Thank You for Your limitless love and compassion
for all beings in the universe, and thank You for letting us have
a part in this wonderful miracle of love!