a Compassionate and Vegetarian Global Village |
Truly We Are All One
By Buenos Aires News Group (Originally in Spanish)
In order to share the message of Alternative Living and to help promote
a change in global consciousness, initiates from the Buenos Aires Center
organized a plan to distribute the flyers throughout the country. In February,
50,000 flyers had already been given out: 42,000 in the capital city and
the rest in those provinces in which there were initiates. We decided
to have another 500,000 flyers printed, and together with help from our
brothers and sisters from Peru and Chile, we were able to reach all the
provinces with Master’s message of love and compassion. In total,
from February to the beginning of May, flyers have been distributed throughout
the country as well as in Paraguay and Uruguay. And we now are planning
to put the Alternative Living flyers in newspapers.
The main points of distribution were the city centers, public parks,
bus, railway and subway stations, crafts and cultural fairs, schools and
universities, and the entrances to zoos and hospitals. Although the distribution
of flyers was not permitted inside railway stations, after reading Master’s
words, the security guards allowed us to distribute them inside the stations
and even recommended places where we could hand them out more efficiently.
Flyers were sent by email as well as delivered to mail boxes, natural
food stores, vets, green-grocers, even butchers and vegetarian restaurants
- whose owners were happily surprised by this initiative and immediately
accepted them. The husband of a sister-initiate, who works for a laboratory,
offered to deliver flyers to the houses of the patients he had to visit,
many of whom were suffering from cancer and terminal diseases, so that
Master’s love could also reach those families.
Argentina is known as a meat-consuming country, many vegetarians, after
reading the flyers, stopped to talk to the initiates. They said that they
identified with Master’s message, congratulated us on the campaign,
and offered to take some flyers to give to their friends. In Posadas,
a vegetarian group wholeheartedly helped with the distribution. In the
north, vegetarian elderly persons encouraged the initiates to continue
with this noble work. Young people and mothers accepted the flyers and
thanked us warmly. A lady we met at the bus station in Mendoza who protected
animals in Santa Rosa city was happy to be able to share our same ideal.
And in Buenos Aires province, another woman who is a writer but also takes
care of animals said that the flyers were excellent! It was very inspiring
to see people reading them attentively. Children loved the design and
kept asking for more copies for their friends at school.
There were very sincere naturalist, vegan and vegetarian people who did
not hesitate to call us, even from distant cities such as Rio Cuarto and
Mar del Plata, etc., to ask for more information and permission to make
copies of this flyer to distribute to their acquaintances. All were sent
vegetarian recipes, helpful information on the vegetarian diet, a list
of vegetarian restaurants and the Alternative Living flyers along with
a letter to thank them for their generosity and good heart. The same happened
in Buenos Aires where a vegan nurse called because he wanted to print
more copies of the flyer to give to professors and scientists at a college.
His sincerity and love touched us so much that we invited him to learn
more about Master. He has already learned and is practicing the Convenient
work not only helps us to better understand that we are all one, but also
allows us to experience it. The love Master is sharing through the flyers
is so immense and so deep. Upon distributing the flyers, we were no longer
the same; we became filled with Her love and bliss. Many people who received
the flyer smiled and were filled with joy. As well as being an instrument
to save our younger brothers - the animals, the Alternative Living flyer
is also a way to open our hearts to becoming more compassionate and loving.
Thank You, Master! 
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