Master's Message of Love Reaches Belarus By Hungarian News Group (Originally in Hungarian)
Within the five days between May 1 and 5, we managed to distribute all the flyers that we had. Almost everyone took them curiously, and most people read and kept them. Some appreciated Master’s message very much and asked for further information about things like other vegetarian people in Belarus, where to buy vegetarian food, etc. Using a combination of English and poor Russian, we helped them as much as we could. Orthodox Christian churches are tolerated in Belarus, so we distributed flyers in front of a major church in the city and gave many to church members. Some people who received them said that this was God's message, and that God loves us. One lady even took our flyer into the church to distribute, while another lady asked if we needed some elderly people to volunteer. We also found that there are vegetarian people in Belarus. Some spiritual groups also exist, but they must keep their identity hidden. Our biggest discovery was a quiet but positive movement of young people. In Belarus, drinking alcohol on the street is very common, even by young boys and girls. However, the young people of this movement resist peacefully with music, by not drinking, and many of them also by not eating meat! They were extremely happy to meet us. We left 2,000 flyers and some Alternative Living T-shirts with them. These young people had already received and distributed many flyers from PETA (an international animal rights group that promotes a vegan diet). They were also interested in Master's teachings, so we gave them sample booklets in Russian and decided we would keep in contact with them in the future. Thanks to Master's protection, our efforts of distributing Her message
of Love succeeded peacefully, even in this restricted country.