Sharing the Message of Love Report by Johannesburg Center, South Africa (Originally in English) Lesotho
Surprisingly, the Basotho people of Lesotho were very open and friendly; almost everyone they passed accepted the flyers, even the policemen who were patrolling the town. Most people there spoke English and many asked about the meaning of the flyers. So, as well as sharing information about the importance of being a vegetarian, initiates were also able to introduce Master’s teachings and hand out sample booklets to those who were really sincere. When given a flyer, one local man commented that he, too, was a vegetarian. He explained how much clearer his mind had become and how much easier he could remember things since being vegetarian. This man also mentioned that he was very grateful for meeting the initiates and seeing them doing this kind of work.
When the fellow practitioners explained to the local people that they had been vegetarians for many years, many expressed surprise at how healthy one can be on a vegetarian diet! Some local people were convinced that they could not survive without meat, but upon receiving the message of the Alternative Living and hearing the comments from the initiates, their logical minds and uplifted souls could no longer argue in disagreement.
Zimbabwe When initiates surveyed the city’s central area for good places to distribute flyers, they came across a beautiful fountain garden that had six corners of entry and exit, an ideal place to distribute to passersby. Within half an hour 1000 Alternative Living flyers were warmly received by the local people, including the policemen. Young children’s faces lit up with smiles as they insisted on receiving the flyers, too! They even came back for more. Some local people stepped back or went out of their way just to receive one, and many expressed their thanks. That evening initiates found much bliss and upliftment during their meditation after having distributed Alternative Living flyers. They reflected that distributing the flyers and meditating was the best gift they could give to this country. The following morning the initiates came across a fruit and vegetable market in a very poor part of the city and began distributing flyers to the vegetable stall workers and the general public. At the market, a young local gentleman was initially convinced that the animals’ purpose was to be eaten by humans. As an initiate started to explain Master’s teachings regarding the animals’ lives and the vegetarian diet, the discussion created a small audience. Everyone present listened attentively, and even the gentleman who had spoken first began to nod in agreement. Fellow practitioners then went to visit the country’s two main newspapers, The Herald and The Daily Mirror. They spoke to the respective editors of the newspapers and requested them to please share this very important and helpful information, also encouraging the editors to print more uplifting articles such as the Alternative Living flyer in order to share with as many people as possible. The editors responded with a willingness to assist in sharing God’s loving message. Next, initiates went to a busy street corner opposite a bus terminal.
One gentleman passing by loudly shouted in disagreement about the vegetarian
diet and refused to take a flyer. However, this had the effect of actually
encouraging others who overheard to take one. A freelance reporter became
so interested in what the initiates were doing that he started taking
photos of them distributing the flyers and said that he wanted to report
on their activity to get it published. Upon receiving a flyer one local man commented, “Thank you, this message has come at the right time. God bless you!” Another lady was very pleased to receive a flyer and took many so she could give them to her work colleagues. A sincere gentleman took extra flyers for his community. In total, 5000 Alternative Living flyers were distributed as well as Master’s sample booklets, which were left at various locations such as pharmacies and internet cafés. The initiates were very happy to distribute God’s message of Alternative
Living and are inspired to continue as they realize that serving the brothers
and sisters on this planet with love really elevates themselves as well.
They thank God for giving them the opportunity to do so.