Working with a Thankful Heart Compiled by the Toronto Center News Group (Originally in English)
Canada being the second largest country in the world, many regions of the country would be quite out of reach for hand distribution. The Center thus worked with two direct mail distributing companies, ActionPak and Open & Save, that mail out flyers in envelopes. Each Alternative Living flyer was combined with a few other leaflets from other organizations in one envelope to be mailed and delivered. To date, a total number of 337,100 flyers have been printed. Initiates hand delivered 137,100 flyers to households of 17 cities in the province of Ontario. ActionPak delivered 100,000 flyers to households of 12 remote cities in the province of Ontario. Open & Save mailed another 100,000 flyers to six other provinces (Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan) across Canada. Besides targeting households, flyers were also available to the public at some community centers and vegetarian restaurants. Some initiates, who handed out flyers in some big shopping malls and on busy streets, found that many people were very receptive to Master’s message. A jogger passed by but turned back to get a flyer. A stranger in a bus happily waved to an initiate who was getting on the bus to sit next to her, and when the initiate gave her a flyer, she said she knew the initiate would have something to give to her. Children loved the flyers and were all very eager to get one. Some people were so interested in the Alternative Living message that they kept reading it even when crossing the road. When an elderly woman, who was distributing some pamphlets about another religion, finished reading our flyer, she immediately asked for more so she could help share the message. Some initiates’ family members who object to vegetarianism have become more open to the concept. Although they are not yet ready to adopt the diet, they are more conscious of some positive news articles about vegetarianism and would even draw their initiate relatives’ attention to those articles.
Due to Master’s loving instruction, vegetarian recipes are now available on the Quan Yin websites. No doubt this will be very helpful to those who intend to adopt a vegetarian diet. Also, with the websites readily accessible, it will be much easier for initiates to introduce vegetarianism. Indeed, Master looks after every little detail and all the needs of everyone at all times! Each and every flyer represents Master’s tremendous, unconditional
love for all sentient beings. For each and every beautifully color-printed
flyer that initiates hand out, we treasure the opportunity given by Master
to be able to help promote a healthier diet, to save animal lives, to
work more efficiently, to be more compassionate, and to always remember
our original purpose to grow spiritually. Spreading the Alternative Living
message is an on-going project. We will continue doing it with a thankful