Supreme Master Ching Hai’s TV Program

An Enlightening Special Program:

“All Disasters Are Created by
Our Bad Thoughts”


Report by Entertainment Team, Los Angeles, California, USA (Originally in English)

In recent times, disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and wars have struck with a higher frequency and force than ever before. These catastrophes have made life unsettling and precarious for many citizens of the world. In light of the world’s current situation, the lecture entitled, “All Disasters Are Created by Our Bad Thoughts,” delivered by Supreme Master Ching Hai in 1988 was broadcasted on the latest television program A Journey through Aesthetic Realms. Her universal message was as relevant then as it is now. Master’s perception and wise advice shed light on the roots of the problem and also clearly indicates a flawless means of protection for humanity on this planet: “Sometimes we contract a disease or an infection, or disasters, war or catastrophes befall us. These are all created by the ferocious thoughts of Earthly people. We created everything; however, we can avoid these things. For example, if we keep our body, speech and thoughts clean and pure twenty-four hours a day, bad auras can’t enter us. Things of different natures can’t absorb each other. When something different enters, it gets alienated, just like oil and water don’t mix altogether. We spiritual practitioners can eliminate a lot of karma.” (For full excerpt, please refer to our News magazine No. 164 “Master’s Words.”)

Master’s wisdom provides hope for humanity in this troubled time. A full promotional campaign was launched nationwide. Newspapers and magazines all over the nation, such as TIME magazine, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Los Angeles Times and many local papers carried announcements for this special program. Fellow brothers and sisters in the United States also helped to inform the public of the special program. They distributed Alternative Living flyers as well as postcards announcing the television show. Chinese newspapers with an international readership, such as The World Journal, Sing Tao Daily and The China Press, have also written articles about the television program.

As a result of this massive national promotional campaign, many telephoned to inquire about Master and Her work before the program was broadcasted. Many asked how they could acquire a copy of the episode. A gentleman from Chicago who saw the announcement in TIME magazine said that he would share the news with the rest of his spiritual organization. Another caller said that the topic was very timely.

Viewers also called after the program to express their admiration of Master’s teachings and obtain more information. For example, a gentleman phoned from California, saying that he would like more information on how to curb his negative thoughts.

Master has good advice for him in Her lecture: “We should purify our body, speech and mind in order to protect ourselves while we’re in this mundane world. Once we go beyond the three worlds, there will be no problem. There will be no cruel aerosphere. No one will have vicious thoughts. Only pure people can go there.” Afterwards, the caller said he wanted to know more about the Quan Yin Method of meditation and he asked to learn the Convenient Method.

Another viewer exclaimed that it was a beautiful program, and that he loved everything about it!

This special program also highlighted our Association’s current event which is the worldwide distribution of the Alternative Living flyer. Perhaps no one person has encouraged more people to become vegetarian than Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Along with the Alternative Living report, there was news from the Farm Sanctuary gala in New York, including celebrity interviews in praise of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s work for the animals. (For more details, please see “Special Reports” in this issue of our News magazine.). An animal rights activist from Massachusetts who had never heard of Master before was completely mesmerized by the lecture. She was very impressed with Master’s compassionate activities. Astounded by Master’s concern for animals - especially the worldwide distribution of the Alternative Living flyer - she said, “The extent of the work Supreme Master does for the animals is unbelievable. She does so, so much for them. I never knew.” This woman discovered our television program through a friend who had seen our announcement in the newspaper.

Master’s timely advice for the world through the discourse “Disasters Are Created by Our Bad Thoughts” closes with an unforgettable world television premiere of the song “Dream in the Night.” This poem was written by Supreme Master Ching Hai, and in a moment of divine inspiration, She spontaneously composed the music and sang it beautifully. Many of the viewers who heard “Dream in the Night” absolutely loved it as Master’s voice conjures up “inviting dreams, exquisite visions,” that allows one “to forget about the illusory human realm.”

A woman from New York who heard the song explained, “I heard the song “Dream in the Night” and thought it was beautiful. I was moved by the song and Supreme Master’s singing, so I’m calling to learn more about Her and the TV program.”

In addition, a young man, who is an artist himself, expressed his admiration for the song, “Dream in the Night.” He said this was his favorite of Master’s new songs because, “It’s very soothing. The melody is really, really nice.” Afterwards, he asked for a copy of the song as well as the translation so he could fully appreciate the beauty of Master’s poem. Many others shared the same sentiment, saying that the melody was calming, the singing heartfelt, and that they thoroughly enjoyed the music even though they could not understand the Aulacese language.

Through Master’s guidance and grace, the world is becoming a much better place. More and more people are being awakened and are receptive to Her message of love and compassion. As Master reminded us in Her lecture, “The higher we aim, the higher our level will be. Do not forget that ‘everything is created by the mind.’ It’s very easy to create heaven or create hell all by ourselves. Therefore, every day we should not forget this Almighty Power.”

Thank You, Master, for giving us this precious opportunity to serve others through the television program and experience how Your love is truly creating a heaven on earth for us.

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