Selected Questions and Answers


Natural Spiritual Awakening
is Superior to Illusory Experience

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Madrid, Spain,
May 5, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #644

Q: I had the experience of being one with the totality, which was due to the use of a special plant called Ayahuasca that grows in the Amazon forest. Considering that it doesn’t matter how you reach enlightenment - the important thing is that you’re enlightened - why don’t people favor the use of such plants and in fact even prohibit their use?

M: Because this is not real experience. Any experience evoked by material means is not spiritual. Number one, God is not made by man or evoked by anything, but God will be awakened within us Hirmself when Hes wants to be. Number two, natural spiritual awakening has no bad side-effects and will only make you happier, more intelligent, more contented, more successful in many things, more noble and more loving.

Also, whatever illusion comes from a plant or a drug has terrible side-effects. It will make your body weak and will make you addicted. It will make you less intelligent, will destroy your brain power and will also destroy your physical well-being. You know that better than I do. How many people die every day because of drugs? How many people live a life half dead and half suffering because they lack the drug after they’ve become addicted to it?

You know the answer. That’s why it’s better to refrain from these dangerous substances, for your own sake as well as for the people you love and for the sake of peace for society. So, it’s not that you should have enlightenment at any price. You should have the real thing and not the illusory one.