Panorama of Events


Vegan Festival Brightened
by God’s Love

By New York News Group (Originally in English)

[New York] EarthSave is an organization that advocates vegetarianism and continues the educational work that began with founder John Robbins’ book, “Diet for a New America.” Through events such as the Health March and the annual Taste of Health Festival, EarthSave educates, inspires and empowers people to shift toward a plant-based diet centered on fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes - foods that are healthy for people and the planet.

To share God’s message of love through the Alternative Living flyers with more New Yorkers, on June 17, Golden Year 3 (2006), fellow initiates from New York Center participated in EarthSave’s 5th annual Taste of Health Festival, held at Lincoln Center in New York City. All organizations and restaurants invited to participate were screened by EarthSave to serve 100% vegan food at the festival.

With God’s blessings, our booth had the best location at the main entrance and directly faced the New York State Theater, which had been the first stop for Master’s 1995 World Tour of Fashion show. Large Alternative Living posters stood at both entrances of the Festival to welcome people as they arrived. Fellow initiates also displayed Master's Supreme Kitchen cookbook, other publications and paintings in the booth, while the kitchen staff worked diligently to prepare food. The result - delicious veggie dishes - attracted numerous guests to visit our booth, with many asking for vegan recipes and addresses to Quan Yin restaurants.

We also provided a cooking demonstration for simple vegan dishes such as spring rolls and fruit salad. This was very popular, and many guests stood for a long time to watch and ask questions about the benefits of being vegetarian. Guests kept coming up to make purchases, many finding the food so delicious that they invited their friends to come and taste it as well. One of the guests told us he felt tremendous love from watching initiates’ demo for vegan dishes. At the end of the day one guest came back and asked to order a full dish of vegan Tofu Duck to take to her friend’s party to share with others. Since we already ran out of food, we instead shared with her how to get the materials and taught her how to cook the dish herself.

Fellow initiates also wore Alternative Living T-shirts to distribute flyers throughout the festival and in the neighborhood. Upon receiving the flyers, some people immediately stopped to discuss with us about changing their diet to vegetarian. All of us felt so elated and blessed to have a chance to participate in this noble task of sowing the seeds of vegetarianism, love and enlightenment.

Events Datebook

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events.

You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our activities, please visit the following URL: