Beautiful People and Beautiful Events

An Alternative
to Animal Testing



By San-min Chen, M.D., Formosa, and brother Richard Demetrious,
Tasmania, (Originally in English)

Thanks to the initiative of PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine ♥♥♥♥♥) and modern computer technology, 675 rats’ lives were saved from a HPV (high production volume) program. The US government defines high production volume chemicals as organic non-polymer chemicals with greater than 1,000,000 pounds (450 t) production or import into the US. It is assumed that high production is similar to high exposure to the public; thus these chemicals are required to have highly detailed biological and environmental tests.

Earlier this year in March, the Dow Chemical company had planned to test a chemical called commercial hydroxethylpiperazine (CHEP) by applying it to the skin of pregnant rats; then after giving birth both mother and offspring were to be terminated and the effects of the chemical studied. The reason for the experiment was to examine whether the chemical had any effects on mammal reproduction and development.
Toxicologists from PCRM suggested using a non-animal model first to see whether or not this chemical would penetrate the rats’ skin. Dow experts accepted this idea and used modern computer technology instead of animal experimentation. The computer tests showed that the chemical would not absorb through the skin in any significant amount, and therefore would not affect the reproduction of the animals.

Everyone benefited from this initiative. Dow Chemical saved money and effort by not performing an unnecessary experiment; and many rats’ lives were saved.

PCRM was founded in 1985 in USA and is a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research. The committee is comprised of many highly respected scientists and doctors who work collaboratively with many top Universities and funding bodies to perform their research. Their website ( is full of interesting studies they have performed and really throws a spanner in conventional medical thinking. They advocate vegetarian and vegan diets, because they believe that plant-based diets form the foundation that support a lifetime of health. They also promote alternatives to animal research, aiming to put a stop to gruesome experiments. Currently, more than three-quarters of all US medical schools have dropped their animal labs for medical students.

The website of PCRM is full of interesting information.