An Irish company called Steorn has developed a system which produces free energy. This system requires no fuel inputs, burns nothing and therefore is emission free and supplies an unlimited amount of power for cars and electrical devices such as mobile phones, or anything else that needs power. The technology has been validated by numerous physicists and companies. Their discovery contradicts one of the most fundamental laws of physics, namely the principle of “Conservation of Energy” that states “energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change form.” The technology itself came from one of the company’s projects that started in 2003 with the aim of developing more efficient micro transformers. (Transformers are used to convert between high and low voltages.) Early into the project the company discovered certain transformer configurations that were over 100% efficient, which means they gave out more energy than was put in. Since then the technology has been improved even further. Currently Steorn is challenging the scientific community to verify its results. An advertisement for the challenge was placed in The Economist magazine seeking a jury of twelve qualified experimental physicists to define the tests required, the test centers, the monitoring of the analysis and the publishing of results. The company believes its main hurdle is actually getting the public to believe that it’s possible the technology is already here. Another group claiming that free energy exists calls itself ‘The Disclosure Project’ (, which consists of over 400 military, government and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their first-hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret. The group claims that the US government has acquired free energy technology from aliens and is keeping it a secret from the public. The aim of the group is to bring the technology out into the public to help solve the looming environmental problems the world faces. All 400 people have recorded their experiences on video and many are willing to testify in front of the US Congress. The above information also coincides with Master’s comments in both the Florida and London video tapes that soon we will have “something else” in regards to energy and won’t need to rely on electricity. As the world moves deeper into the
Golden Age and the spiritual consciousness of the planet rises, such
technology will surely become mainstream and the world as we know
it will be drastically different.