Letters of Appreciation

Letter of Appreciation from
the Major of Jinju City

(Originally in Korean)

Dear The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association,

Typhoon EWINIAR excessively damaged this beautiful and quiet city. Thanks to your valuable services and sacrifices however, flood victims had a foundation for recovery. I am deeply grateful about that.

Even with a big natural disaster, we were able to minimize damages and recover in a short period. It was possible due to your precious day and night sacrifices and efforts at the disaster site, and the active participation of the neighborhood and other people from all social standings.

Many hopeless victims lost everything all of a sudden due to the typhoon. Central and local government, military and ordinary citizens put their hands together to help with the emergency work. All of this led to a quick recovery.

Disasters such as sudden and unexpected local downpours and typhoons seem to be increasing. Jinju city however will try to make a safe and happy city with the goal to minimize damages from disasters with site-focused management and prevention measures.

Please take care of our city with attention and love in the future as well, so that this city will develop more every day.

Finally, I hope that all of your wishes come true and that you have good luck and prosperity.


Jeong Young-Seok

Major of Jinju City

Chief of Disaster Measures Headquarters

August, 2006