I have the best way to answer you, which is to help you answer yourself. That’s the only way; it’s the best way and the most everlasting. And that’s our way of life: helping people recognize the Kingdom of God or the great Spirit that sustains the whole universe, sustains your life, without which you’re just a dead corpse, useless. Those same eyes will not see anything, that same nose will never smell any fragrance and that same mouth will never open again. But we forget that. We abuse it in eating and drinking, but we never ask the most essential function of our Spirit or God.
The Wisdom BankIt’s the best thing, the highest power in the whole cosmos. If we forget that, we have too many questions and can never answer them. And if we forget that, our life is never satisfied. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, or how beautiful your wife or handsome your husband, it won’t make you completely happy. And it will never make you stably happy. You can be happy now and then, like when you drink whiskey and feel happy for just a few minutes. But then, you have a headache the next day. Most of the happiness in this world has side effects, just like drugs. That’s the problem. Otherwise, we don’t mind carrying on with this world the way it is. It’s just a kind of illusion. Today you’re happy and tomorrow it gives you more trouble. It’s not intentional or not even that we do anything bad. It just happens that most of the happiness in this world has negative side effects. That’s the bad thing about it. So what are we to do? There’s a storehouse of resolution, of problem-solving power that lies within us. That’s the great Spirit. That’s what makes us alive; that’s what makes us move and talk and recognize each other and love one another. And whenever we turn to that Spirit, we never go wrong. It’s just that we go along with It inside us all the time, but we leave Hirm aside; we never ask Hiers advice. We never ask for help from this Spirit, the spirit of God, the greatest Spirit, the most High. It’s our highest intellectual power; that’s all it is. There’s no such thing as a person with a long beard or anything. But Hes is always there; the Power is always there. And whenever we ask for help, It’s really always there. But we must know how to ask. Usually we ask by talking a lot. We sing a lot of prayers and we make a lot of noise, but we never listen to the advice of the Spirit. And then, that’s why we don’t have the answer. When You Pray, Enter into the ClosetSuppose you ask me a question and then you keep talking all the time. How can I answer you? Similarly, most of us pray in the wrong way or in an ineffective way. We can also pray, but we should pray in silence. In the Bible, it says, “When you pray, enter into your closet, and having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly,” (Matthew 6:6) and “When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men.” (Matthew 6:5) What does it mean to do this? It means that you communicate with God, alone. You can sit with hundreds of thousands of people, but you have to be alone with Hirm, with the Spirit. That’s the way to solve your problems and answer your questions. That’s why I never ask questions
because I alone answer myself. I alone am responsible for all my actions
and non-actions, and for all my thoughts, speech and interactions with
other people. I’m responsible. Each of us is responsible. It’s
a very easy way of life, but we choose the hard life. Everyone asks me,
“Wow, how can you be vegetarian?” Or, “You meditate;
that’s kind of tough, isn’t it?” And I say, “No!
Your life is tough; mine isn’t tough. I have an easy life; everything
is easy; everything is clear to me.”