Once, by chance, I heard a sister talking about an incredible incident which further proved to me that practicing Quan Yin Method benefits not only ourselves, but the entire world. It also elevates the invisible beings. The following is the spiritual experience of that sister: It happened not long after the 9/11 incident in the United States in 2001. One night, the sister went to the backyard to dump trash. At the time she did not purposely look up at the sky, but she sensed, from the corner of her eye, a big white substance. She turned to look in that direction and was so scared by what she saw that she almost fainted. There were many partially invisible beings, about one thousand, with only their upper bodies floating in the air about fifty feet away from her. They lowered their heads slightly so that they were not looking at her directly. Perhaps it was out of their respect for a spiritual practitioner that they tried not to scare her. In the mean time, they transmitted the following message to her: “We lost our lives in the 9/11 incident. We do not have Light, so we can’t go to other places. We are in great need of help, and only the spiritual group of the Quan Yin Method can help us. We hope you can send some Light to us.” Although there are so many spiritual groups in the world, I was surprised that they particularly pointed out that only the Quan Yin group could help them. It must be from their deep understanding that the Supreme Power of the Quan Yin Method could bring great help to them. I remember that, during the aftermath of 9/11, Master instructed fellow initiates of all Centers to meditate more for the victims. Master obviously knew that those poor beings were in great need of our help. Following Master’s instruction, initiates surely would meditate more; however, many of us might not really understand the actual benefits of our meditation for those beings. From this story’s example, we clearly
know that every instruction from Master contains great meaning. Therefore,
fellow initiates should not ignore these instructions nor overlook the
benefits that meditation brings to the world. Master often says that group
meditation is very powerful. It can help the world and sentient beings.