Spiritual Interludes

Since Knowing You

By a fellow initiate from Mainland China (Originally in Chinese)

Because of You, I have started to realize that there are many things that can be as fun as playing children’s games. For those who have not woken up from their dreams, it is not easy to get anything out of this world. I wish they would understand that the easiest thing in this world is to “Remember You,” which fills the heart with warmth, happiness and contentment. In Your song, “Love Me,” You sang, “Love Me! Like you’ve never known anyone. Love Me! Love Me! And love only Me!” When I came to comprehend the true meaning of this, a small poem was born:


Since I was born into this planet,

                          I faced all kinds of temptations,

                          tasted bitter sweetness of life,

                          encountered many bad fortunes.

Since knowing You,

                             my heart started to melt;

                           Light started to pour in

                           as if a lamp had been lit!

Since missing You,

                            music started to play

                           in the softest spot of my heart

                           with joyful tears flowing down my cheeks…

Since the dormant Master was awakened within me,

                            happiness has surrounded me;

                            with deep gratitude for all the time together with You!

Since the hidden treasure was discovered in my heart,

step by step, I have walked towards the Source of all bliss and joy

-- the palace of God,

under Your guidance along the way!


Dear Master mom, I confess to You that I have sometimes made mistakes on the path of spiritual practice and let my habits get the upper hand. Then, I realize more of Your compassion, tolerance and greatness and truly experience that You are always with me. Because of You, I can always rekindle the lamp in my heart and move on in tears and happiness, no matter what!