Selected Questions and Answers
The Inner Truth Has No Outer Boundaries Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, London, England, June 9, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #662 Q: Is it correct that the sole cause of all problems existent within this world stem from the singular thought and perspective of separatism from God? M: Yes. We live in the world of duality. That’s why we could tell lies, that’s why we could cheat and that’s why we could kill one another, because we think, “He is different from me.” It’s the duality power of this world that’s deluded us, cheated us into thinking that the next person is something different from us. From the color of the skin, the boundary of the nation or even a differing opinion, we think he’s different and we have to kill him, in order to have the monopoly of the one opinion. That’s why we could do it. So in order to rise above this separateness
from each other and from God, we have to go inside and know the Truth,
that we are One. Only inside can I prove it to you. Outside, I cannot
erase the color of his black skin and I cannot erase the boundary
between England and France. But inside, I can show you that originally
we are the same essence, and we have only one Father; Hiers name is
whatever you call it. We say “God.”
God is the Cure for Everything
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, Edinburgh, Scotland,
June 5, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #648 Q: How can I control my desires? M:
Don’t control them. The more you try to
control them, the more they’ll chase you all over hell and Heaven.
Just bring God into your life. Bring more God, more Light into your
life through diligent practice every day in meditation, and then your
desires will leave you. And even if you have desires, God will enlighten
you in such a way that Hes will modify your desires. Hes will show
you which desire is OK and blessed by God. So you won’t feel
the burden of guilt, which will weigh you down at the time of departure
from this world and make you stay in a lower level of creation. God
is the only cure for everything, even physical disease.
The Sound and Light are
the God Self
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
February 25, 1992 (Originally in English) Videotape #219 Q: It was mentioned somewhere that we communicate with God through Sound and Light. If we can produce this Sound and Light, is it possible to communicate with God and how? M: It’s not that you produce them. The Sound and Light are the God Self. You cannot produce them. They’re not produced by humans; they’re from Heaven. They’re a vibration of God or a representative of God. We can’t make this kind of Sound and we can’t make this kind of Light. It doesn’t matter how much money you want to give or how clever you are because it is only transmitted through initiation, and it comes from the higher levels of Heaven, which are also within yourself. Q: So do You mean that with initiation we can produce direct Sound and Light in order to communicate with God? M:
We don’t produce it: It comes naturally, without
your effort. That is the God Self. Just like in the Bible it’s said,
“In the beginning was the Word,” meaning the Sound or Vibration.
“And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” That is
the Word we hear inside; that is the God Self; that is our real Nature.
It is not that we have to produce it. You will understand at the moment
you are enlightened, the moment you make contact with it. Right now it’s
only theory because it’s difficult to talk about abstract things
that haven’t been experienced in ordinary life before.