Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
TV Program
A Journey through Aesthetic
Realms Television
Broadcasts Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Lecture Nationally on i: Independent Television: “Leading the World into a New Era” ![]()
Reported by Entertainment Team, Los
Angeles, California, USA
(Originally in English)
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s insightful advice during Her lecture “Leading the World into a New Era” truly stirred our souls into action. We could feel Her immense love and noble conviction reaching out, embracing us and inspiring us to become the “torchbearers” of the world. Her message of love and service was so simple, yet so powerful that afterward we truly felt that we could overcome all life’s obstacles, to “lead humankind into a new way of thinking, a new way of living” and become shining examples “of sacrifice and true love.”
Master’s encouragement of selfless sacrifice aired coincidentally on the same day as the announcement that the Supreme Master Television channel will be launching in Europe on September 7, 2006. For many, this message inspired them to roll up their sleeves and jump in to help with the launching of this historical spiritual blessing that Supreme Master Ching Hai is giving the world, where millions of souls will be uplifted by tuning in to Master’s international satellite channel. Naturally, viewers who watched the TV program that day were so elevated by Master’s words that they immediately phoned in after the show to inquire for more information about our Master. One caller shared that he liked watching the program because, “She looks so humble.” He believes that Master Ching Hai is a very pure person and wanted to know more about Her and our Association.
Master’s vision of the future prompted a viewer from New York to phone in. This was the first time he’d seen our program, and liked Her concept of the world’s future. Another woman from Kentucky shared, “I was brought up in the Christian faith, but I keep reading in the Bible, In my house are many mansions… and I feel this means that God has many children and of different faiths. I’ve been feeling like that lately.” She said it was great that Master’s teaching is non-denominational and appeals to people from different religious backgrounds. She only caught the last few minutes of the lecture, but what she heard was very interesting because it was also what she believes in. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture touches and heals people’s hearts in many different ways. For example, a Korean woman from Maryland confided that she used to feel so guilty about the original sin concept from the Bible and she had felt so distant from God. But, when she listened to Master’s lecture, she suddenly felt she truly is God’s child and is loved by God always. Her heart was deeply moved by this realization and she immediately phoned in to find out more about Master and the Quan Yin Method of meditation. She also shared with us that as a Christian, she was really impressed with Master’s lecture and thrilled that she had discovered our television program. Through her loneliness, another woman from Idaho said that she found God by so-called accident when she phoned in and animatedly shared, “I saw a very interesting show yesterday about Supreme Master Ching Hai… I was so lonely so I turned on the TV and found Her talking. I just love Her philosophy. I love every word She said!” Truly, when our hearts are in pain and feeling such loneliness, God will appear to comfort us. And if we are ready, Hes will guide us back Home. Another Caucasian lady from North Carolina used a phone service to communicate with us because she was hard of hearing. “I saw (your program) on TV… it was very interesting. I liked all the things (on) the show… can you send you the video about the singing. I want to share it with my friends. I love you all.” Although it was very tedious for her to type and communicate in this way, she took the time to immediately call back and ask when the information would be sent out, as she was very anxious to receive it. When assured that it would be sent out first thing Monday morning, she was very satisfied and touched by the attention she had been given. Teaching through action, Master once more taught us a lesson of sharing in this episode of A Journey Through Aesthetic Realms, which also reported on Master’s recent humanitarian activities. Concerned about the welfare of impoverished students and other less fortunate people, Master made financial contributions to various charities in the United States in July 2006. Dr. Hue Pham, Dean of Counseling at Orange Coast College, shared her appreciation: “I’ve heard of Supreme Master Ching Hai and I was able to watch some of Her programs on TV before. I really appreciate Supreme Master Ching Hai for giving us this scholarship. From the bottom of my heart, and all of the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) here, I’d like to thank you so very much. I wish Her well, and I wish that more and more people will hear Her teachings, especially spiritually, which is the food (for the soul), because there is the special need to be able to find our inner peace.” (For further reports, please see “Love in Action” section of News #174.) When he saw the report on Master’s recent humanitarian activities, a man from Texas phoned in to inquire for more information about Her. He is a Catholic Filipino who runs a Catholic organization that helps the poorest of the poor in the Philippines and Au Lac. He was both impressed by Master’s humanitarian work and Her lecture “Leading the World into a New Era.” In fact, he said he had tried to transcribe the lecture while watching it but he was not fast enough to write down everything. One phrase from Master’s words really caught his attention: “If we want the world to be great, we must be great first.” He thought this was so powerful and intellectual; he had never heard anyone put it like that before.
This gentleman wanted to acquire a copy of the lecture so that he could share it with his church members. He further expressed his enjoyment of the lecture, and that it is of great value to all humankind. Finally, what better way to end this program than with the premiere of Master’s recent song, “If There Wasn’t You in Life,” excerpted from the DVD “Dream in the Night”? Although in Aulacese, these recent songs never fail to transcend barriers of language, nationality or beliefs. Caucasians in middle America, who have minimal interaction the Asian community, fall in love with the language through Master’s singing. “I caught only the last part of the program,” one man from Texas said. Asked what he thought of the song, he replied, “That’s why I’m calling. It made me feel so peaceful.” He saw the program several months ago, but never called in before and said he now would like more information about Supreme Master Ching Hai. An Aulacese lady living in Hawaii, who could understand the lyrics of the song, wondered why Master would be singing love songs. When she heard that Master developed many talents and put them into practice to appeal to everyone, especially those who love the arts but are not directly interested in spirituality, she was moved by the logic and asked how she could join our Association. She also asked for our web address to learn more about Master. Another Catholic caller shared his feelings about Master’s song: “It sounds very nice.” He said that if he stands in front of the television with Master speaking, he receives energy from Her. A caller from Virginia shared that he only caught the last part of the program, with Master’s singing. He asked for more information about the program and said that he has friends who would like to watch the Supreme Master Ching Hai on television. He has also been receiving our Association’s New Magazine and reads it regularly. Through Master’s unconditional love, people’s hearts
are moved and uplifted. Through Her blessings, their souls are awakened
to the spiritual qualities that are innate in all of us. Witnessing these
miracles, we are reminded once more how truly blessed we are to have our
beloved Master in our life.