God’s Compassionate
Message Comes to America’s Heartland
![]() By Missouri Center, USA (Originally
in English)
Initiates went to several cities including Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, Pella, Des Moines, Coralville, Iowa City and Fairfield. Along the way, they felt a sense of calm and peace as the plains in Iowa appeared connected with the blue sky far away and were covered with green soy beans and corn fields. Besides distributing flyers and vegetarian recipes throughout different cities, initiates also visited public and university libraries, where they offered to each library two books of The Key of Immediate Enlightenment series, one sample booklet, and one DVD (“The Real Heroes”). The directors from two university libraries were especially happy to hear that in addition to those materials, they would be able to obtain a whole set of The Key of Immediate Enlightenment books. On the morning of August 4, due to the hot and humid weather with temperatures over 90°F (over 32°C) in Des Moines, initiates decided to place flyers on the vehicles parked inside a four-story parking garage. However, it became quickly clear that this also was not where they should focus their efforts. Initiates later understood that God arranged for them to leave Des Moines sooner, in order to go to Fairfield, Iowa, for an unexpected Art Walk evening event on August 4. Around 6:00 PM that evening, initiates arrived at Fairfield, Iowa. Although Fairfield is small, with fewer than 6,000 inhabitants plus another 6,000 students, it is a very spiritual town. Near the central park is located one vegetarian restaurant and a few vegetarian-friendly restaurants. When leaving some books at the vegetarian restaurant, initiates met a gentleman in front of the restaurant, who had moved to Fairfield from Los Angeles for spiritual reasons. Having heard of our organization before and with a vague idea of Master’s teachings, the man was very excited to see initiates and discussed Master’s teachings with them a great deal. He mentioned that many people in town practiced meditation and that some of them were vegetarians. Out of his interest in the Quan Yin Method of meditation, he told initiates that there would be an Art Walk on the first Friday every month, and strongly suggested that initiates stay and participate in this activity since many others would like to know the Quan Yin Method. Initiates took this opportunity to distribute Alternative Living flyers, seminar flyers and recipes that evening until 9:30 PM. The following day, after initiates had returned home, a man called the Missouri Center from Fairfield, Iowa. He expressed his interest to know more and get initiation into the Quan Yin Method. He also mentioned that he wished to come and visit the Center with his mother and a group of his friends who had received the Alternative Living and seminar flyers the previous night. Despite the hot weather, initiates
managed to distribute about 10,500 flyers during their time in the
Heartland state, and they could see that the spiritual seeds God had
sown through them were sprouting already.