Tips for Spiritual Practice
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, Taipei Seven-day Retreat,
Formosa, May 27, 1994 (Originally in Chinese) MP3-CR-15 If we aren’t pure and tranquil within, we can’t enter samadhi in meditation. The more tranquil we are, the more we’ll progress, and the more mentally relaxed and happy we’ll feel. We’ll also become increasingly clever.
~~~~~~~~ ☆ Liberate Yourself from the Illusion of Habit Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, Sandimen Seven-day Retreat,
Pingtung, Formosa, April 1, 1990 (Originally in Chinese) MP3-CR08 All happiness, anger, sorrows and joy arise from habit. Therefore, we must see through these illusions. We must realize that nothing is really good or really that painful; we’re simply bound by our habits. Society’s moral codes and traditions also originate from habit. As we progress in our spiritual practice, these traditions and customs won’t be able to bind us anymore. Nonetheless, we must continue to coordinate and cooperate with people in the world so that we won’t bring trouble on ourselves. We want to live a peaceful life in order to focus on our spiritual cultivation, but that doesn’t mean we care about these senseless traditions and customs.
☆ Remain Flexible to Handle Diverse Situations Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, Taipei seven-day retreat,
Formosa, May 27, 1994 (Originally in Chinese) MP3-CR-15 Only when we can act in response to a situation are we capable of handling emergencies. We spiritual practitioners can’t cling to a certain aspect or to a sentence by me and stay there forever, because very soon I’ll be talking about something else. Once you hear something, digest it, put it aside and then absorb new teachings; absorb new ones every day. Every situation is different so we must have a flexible mindset and react swiftly to handle each situation that arises.
☆ Focusing on God Hastens Spiritual Progress Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, Malaysia,
February 27, 1992 (Originally in English) Videotape #220 It’s important to constantly fix your mind on the quest for enlightenment. That’s the only way to make yourself progress very quickly.
☆ Spiritual Practitioners Should be Cautious of Pride
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, European Retreat, Hungary,
February 24, 2005 (Originally in English) The moment you’re proud or think you are special, you go down very quickly.
☆ Cherish Every Moment for Spiritual Practice Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, Four-day retreat at Hsihu, Formosa,
September 24 to 27, 1988 (Originally in Chinese) MR3-CR03 This world really has nothing worth clinging to so we should hasten to practice spiritually. Every moment, every minute, is precious because we never know how much time is left for us to practice. It’s just like an airplane with a limited amount of fuel. For example, for a flight from the local airport to New York a fixed quantity of fuel is pumped into the plane. And if the pilot doesn’t head straight for New York but wastes his fuel circling above the airport putting on a show, later when the fuel is exhausted, the plane will drop.
☆ Whatever You Want, You’ll Get Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, European retreat, Hungary,
February 24, 2005 (Originally in English) Whatever you want, you’ll get. That’s the law of the universe. Whether you want bad or you want good, you’ll get it. It’s just a question of time. So, watch it! Watch what you want.
☆ Sharing the Supreme Method Brings Infinite Rewards Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, Videoconference with the initiates
from San Francisco, USA, August 25, 2002 (Originally in English) Videotape #748 Each time we serve the public in a noble way to re-unite them with the Father/Mother or to spread the good news for their liberation from suffering, we earn an extra first-class ticket or something like that to Heaven. We are very fortunate. It’s not that we really want it; it’s just a reward.