Magnificent Way of Sharing
the Truth through Poetry
By Yiming, New Jersey, USA (Originally
in Chinese and English)
The newly-released DVD of Master’s poetry is a magnificent way of spreading the Truth through poetry. Zen masters in the ancient times often used poetry to share their immediate enlightenment. In the modern times, in addition to teaching the method of immediate enlightenment, Master has employed various artistic means to open up and elevate human consciousness, which are the so-called alternative ways to share the Truth. But unlike the enigmatic poetry of Zen, Master’s poetry is easy to understand and very inspiring. Through the heart-touching music and Her voice and images, one can receive God’s blessings at any time and in any place. This is far beyond the wildest dream of ancient practitioners. How difficult was it for them and how lucky we are today! According to my understanding, the transmission of the Dharma, or Truth, could be described as transmitting a very high-level vibration. One of the most important scientific achievements in the twentieth century is that modern physicists have discovered in repeatable experiments that solid mass disappears when it is divided into its smallest unit. What is left is nothing but vibration. They also discovered that vibration can be turned into mass when the consciousness of the observer wills it. These discoveries have proved that vibration is the very element that forms everything in the universe and that consciousness can affect vibrations. Such a concept is very close to our viewpoint with the Quan Yin Method. Modern scientists are also aware that there are different frequencies in vibrations. Many scientists are trying to use artificial vibrations to affect human consciousness, but they are unable to produce the highest vibration, nor do they know of the spiritual world of higher vibrations. These can only be accessed by high-level practitioners. Therefore, initiation by Master and all other visible and invisible blessings from Master are passing on vibrations to us, to elevate the frequencies of our inner vibrations. Master has said, “Good spiritual practitioners have blessing power wherever they go. Fully charged with their magnetic fields and loaded with merits, they enhance the vibrations of things they touch and the ground they walk on. Sometimes, people enjoy being near these practitioners, seeking a touch, taking a look, or just offering them food; and they are changed from within.” (From “Master Says” in News #121) Many initiates and non-initiates have personally experienced the blessing power from Master’s books, music, photos, video and audio publications and other things that are related to Master. Thus we can see the tremendous power being rallied and concentrated in these digital discs of poetry that Master offered after Her retreat. This is a great gift from Master to repair the Earth, to dissolve the suffering of sentient beings and to elevate the loving power on Earth. “Dream in the Night” is an excellent example of sharing the Truth through poetry. Compared with the concept of nothingness of the Chinese Zen Sect, its prospect and connotation seem much easier for people to understand. “Body is not a tree. Nor mirror a mirror. Since there is nothing at all, what is there for dust to fall on?” This poem of Huineng, the sixth patriarch of Chinese Zen, marked the peak of the Zen thinking. In fact, most of the Zen meditative questions and answers center on understanding the idea of nothingness; for example, “The Truth comes when there is no attachment.” However, throughout the past and present, how many spiritual practitioners could reach this state of desirelessness and egolessness? Master said, “Heaven is the state of tranquility, of desirelessness, of everything being fulfilled of its own accord, and we also call that Nirvana.” (From “Aphorisms” in News #148) Those who practice the Quan Yin Method will all certainly attain this realm. In “Dream in the Night,” Master has painted a picture of the realm where we long to go. “I was a swan, soaring above mountains,…Bathing in the rainbow, feeling free again.” Why are we so moved when we read this poem and listen to Master’s singing? Ask our own heart and we will know. It is because Master is elevating our level of vibration and bringing us into the higher realms.