Between Master and Disciples
By Cheng Zhen (Originally English)
When I met Master, I was going through the worst time of my life. I was about to graduate from a distinguished university, and start my career in a highly valued profession. I was supposed to have a bright future, yet ahead of me I could see only darkness. My dream had come true, but I felt half dead inside. Nothing was the way it seemed. After initiation, my life became more tolerable. At times, it seemed as if I would slip back into misery, but Master always saved me. I realize that I was protected by Master long before my actual initiation. However, my heart remained cold for many years. I was unsure of my ability to love or whether I had any love within me at all. For years Master tried different means to dig holes into my cold, concrete heart so that the light could shine upon me. I can not imagine what a terrible task it must have been to work on a person like me. I must have brought Master many moments of sadness and despair and I really feel sorry for the burden I placed upon Her. Eighteen years ago, when I was saddened, it was silently without tears, but recently I find myself crying like a baby. The tears pouring out of me are really tears of appreciation and happiness, for the love I have found within. On the day of my 18th initiation anniversary, I wrote the following to Master: “Master, I am fifty years old, yet it feels as if I am fifteen, only better! I am really grateful that: I am free from desire, from vanity, and my selfishness. Even though I am not very sure I can always stay in a state of selflessness, I am trying my best and learn through unconditional love and genuine devotion. Most of all, I treasure that all these years, You have tolerated me and lead me, to become what I am today.” I can not describe this feeling of ecstasy!
Words can not describe my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude! Master,
I can only wish that Your life is filled with joy and love. *Teacher’s Day is on September 28, Confucius’ birthday, a predominantly Chinese holiday dedicated to great Masters and teachers.
To Our Most Beloved Master (Originally in English) With fondest gratitude to You on Teacher’s Day Remembering You every moment of our lives, everyday You guide us from a young fledging, Till we are free to take flight, Soaring high into the heavens, radiating with light Oh! Our Supreme Teacher of the Universe A million thanks to You for Your Loving Kindness Forever Yours with Love, Singapore Disciples