Selected Questions and Answers
The Open Spiritual Eye
Sees God Everywhere
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece,
May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #653 Q: God sees the misery and the hatred between people. Why doesn’t Hes present Hirmself in order to aid Hiers children? Hiers Presence would be sufficient. M: Hes does present Hirmself all the time, but do we have the eyes to see? I’m coming here to try to open your spiritual eye, so you can see God. Otherwise, how does God appear in this world? How do you want Hirm to appear - as what kind of nationality, and what kind of religious figure? Then we fight again: “Hes is my God; Hes looks like Jesus.” Or, the Buddhists say, “No, no, Hes is a Buddha. Hes is mine.” And the Muslims say, “No, no, that’s Allah’!” And how does Hes explain Hirmself? Tell me. Should Hes fly from the sky right here? They might shoot Hirm. They might think Hes is an alien. Some people might even think Hes is the devil himself. It’s very difficult. They killed Jesus; they have killed so many Gods that came here. We humans have completely forgotten Heaven, and it’s very difficult for us to accept anything that we are not used to. I have a joke for you. There was a black man who wanted an apartment in an area, but he couldn’t get in because he was black, since some places are racist. Oh, that’s another thing: Suppose Hes appears white, then the black people cannot go in. Suppose Hes appears like a Greek, then the Chinese people cannot be accepted, etc. It’s very difficult in our world. So there was a black man who was kneeling beside his bed and said to God, “Please, I want to rent the apartment there, but they won’t let me because I am black. Please, bless me.” I need that apartment, please.” So God said to him, “Oh, don’t bother! Go elsewhere. I also cannot go in there.” The black man was very puzzled, and he
said, “But God, why? You are almighty. You can go anywhere!”
So God said, “If I go there, they’ll ask me what kind of religion
I belong to, and I don’t know how to explain.” So, that’s
so much about God, the poor Guy.