Supreme Master Ching Hai’s TV Program
We Are All Ready
to Be Part of the Channel for Broadcasting God’s Glory!
By the Paris News Group, France (Originally in French)
Everyone enjoys hearing “good news”; we each need constructive information to guide our acts in life and the world. To fulfill this general need, our beloved Master gave an extraordinary gift to humankind: the Supreme Master Television channel. This is the first satellite channel with continuous broadcasting in Europe, unique for its positive programs which elevate the soul and nourish the spirit. This good news generated great enthusiasm among initiates at the Paris Center, and we immediately installed a parabolic antenna at the Center. During the testing period, the Center was open almost every day so that initiates could come watch the new channel. When the pictures appeared on the television screen, we were so overwhelmed that many shed tears of happiness. It was almost incredible for us to think that there could be a TV channel of Master and that everyone could “receive” Master at home. This has now become a reality! We realized that we must now focus all of our efforts to ensure that this channel reaches the most people possible so that everyone has the chance to see Master’s picture, even if only for a few seconds. The whole of Paris Center rallied for this objective. Working groups were organized to take care of the translation for subtitles, the distribution of announcements, the communications, the video making and the reporting. Side by side, we worked together for this glorious mission.
With the programs on SMTV being broadcast in English, with French and German subtitles, the translation of the subtitles represented an enormous amount of work. The translation group started with one person, then two, then three; and now, there are more than 12 volunteers coming from around the world: France, England, Ireland, Canada, Togo and Cameroon. “We have translated and translated ‘kilometers’ of fascinating text at a frantic pace,” said the initiate in charge of translation. “There is no better tool available to broadcast at a large scale the teachings of Master and share Her Love to all of creation. This channel is so interesting, so rich and so fantastic that it is truly an honor to participate in it.”
Before September 7, which was the official launch date of Supreme Master Television, 100,000 flyers were distributed in about 20 French cities such as Paris and its surrounding regions of Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier and Strasbourg. Carried away by our happiness and joy, we were giving flyers directly to people, inserting them in mailboxes, putting them on windshields of cars and distributing them in restaurants and stores. “I distributed them in mail boxes in the evening. It was relaxing. While repeating the Holy Names, I only felt plenitude,” said one initiate. The flyers, with their happy colors and the picture of Master, were much appreciated by gift stores, beauty salons, video and audio stores. In a small city close to Troie, the owner of a chocolate shop loved the flyers so much that she wanted to put one in each chocolate box for her clients. During the distribution, some initiates wore a panel on their back publicizing SMTV as they traveled along the roads and in the Metro. These panels attracted the attention of people. To read what was on it, a young boy followed one initiate for a long time. Because this initiate was moving constantly while distributing flyers, the young boy couldn’t help but exclaim, “Can’t you stop for me?!” When shown the picture of Master, a boy of about 7 years old asked a sister initiate who was distributing the flyers in a street in Lille: “This Lady, she speaks to the animals? Me, too! I have a parrot; it speaks with my mother and tells her whether I am good.” Other people asked sometimes: “I have cable television, can I watch the programs on this Channel?” “I can watch these programs for free? This is wonderful!” “What are the benefits of eating vegetarian?” We can already feel that this new channel is catching the interest of millions of people.
The launch of the Supreme Master Television is also a great event for the news world, and the Communication Group started contacting the mass media right away. More than 100 press kits were brought to news agencies or sent by courier to well-known personalities, city halls, to humanitarian or vegetarian associations, and to animal protection or environmental associations. The phone, Internet and email were also used to contact people. So far, announcements about the launch of SMTV have appeared in the newspapers “Le Monde” (one of the most popular in France); in “Bouddhisme Actualites, ” a newspaper for Buddhism; in the magazine “Generation Tao,” in the magazine “Tele Cable Sat,” and on the websites of,,, etc. Announcements were also broadcast on several radio stations: “Enghein Radio,” “Radio Ici et Maintenant” and “Radio Frequence Evasion.” Moreoever, two interviews were broadcast on “Radio Frequence Evasion” and RFI (Radio France Internationale). Throughout the work, we felt the presence of Master and Her arrangement. The Communication Group is still contacting more people, and there is still a lot of work to be done. “When contacting people, I noticed that so many of them work for goodness,” said one sister initiate who took care of communication. “They are everywhere and they do marvellous things.” For instance, the young Moroccan woman, Hanane Abdelmouttalib, for whom Master awarded the World-Compassion-Award, is fully devoted to protecting animals. She adopts stray animals, nourishes them, takes care and accompanies them day and night. The radio station “Frequence Evasion” is one that offers news, culture and music in the south of France. Although apolitical and not religious, it is a radio station that tries to let people know about good actions. When the chief-editor found out about the launch of SMTV, he interviewed the representative from the Paris Center in his special program. Furthermore, this radio station broadcast the announcements for SMTV four times daily during one week, for free. The “Association Reporters d’Espoirs” (Reporters of Hope Association) took the initiative to contact the Paris Center to obtain information about SMTV. This is an association of professionals in communications whose objective is to obtain and develop information that carries solutions within the media. To achieve this, it organizes the “Reporters d’Espoirs” Prize and makes available a base of positive information and articles from within which journalists can draw subjects, pictures and news stories. We are very happy to see that, because of the blessings of Master, these positive and creative forces are starting to reunite and will change the world.
“The SMTV must immediately be received at the Center and in houses of initiates so that everyone will receive its immense blessings.” This is the first mission that the Video group established after its first assembling. A parabolic antenna had to be installed and adjusted so that the satellite signals would be received, and sometimes this is not easy. “When we were installing the parabolic antenna at the Center, we started to install it in a temporary way,” explained one initiate of the group, “and then when we opened the television, like a miracle, the image was there, without having to adjust anything.” The Video Group offered to buy the antenna for initiates and install it in their homes. Now, many can see the SMTV programs at home. They are all saying that the television of Master has changed their daily lives. “I leave the TV on almost 24 hours. This channel is so moving that I feel like sharing it with the world,” said one initiate. Although they are not professionals, the members of the Video Group, helped by the News Group, have already produced two video news stories, one on Hanane Abdel Mouttalib, animal protector from Morocco, and another on the delivering of the World-Compassion-Award by Master to Hanane. Aware of the importance of the video work to provide SMTV with news and images, the group decided to get equipped with two professional cameras and accessories, all of which will be self-financed within the Video Group. This measure testifies to their determination to contribute so that this channel can deliver the best of itself, and to serve the efforts of this channel in order to spread the teachings of Master to everyone in Europe and maybe soon to the whole world through its new programs. We thank from the bottom of our heart our beloved Master for having trained us for so many years; we hope to be able to serve better the world and all the sentient beings through the SMTV, this extraordinary tool. We also thank all those who participate,
directly or indirectly, to this magnificent channel with its continuous