This year, the New Zealand Kennel Club (NZKC) presented three awards to intelligent and compassionate dogs who set outstanding examples of bringing love to humans. In addition to awarding a medallion to each dog, the Kennel Club also presented a year’s supply of food.
Jess, a one-year-old female fox terrier, embodies the noble quality of courage and self-sacrifice. In July, when fierce flames engulfed the home of her keeper, Robert Buckley, Jess did not run away. Instead, she rushed up the stairs and barked furiously until Buckley awoke from his deep sleep. Buckley was then able to escape to safety with his three daughters. The New Zealand Kennel Club awarded Jess its highest recognition, the Canine Hero Award, for her heroic act in saving the lives of the Buckley family.
Trude, a 7-year old German shepherd, is the only dog in New Zealand that has been able to help children to read. When school is in session, Trude visits the Birkdale Primary School libr ary every Friday as a volunteer, where she allows students who have difficulties in reading and communication to read articles aloud to her. Each time a child reads, Trude listens quietly and attentively, never showing any sign of impatience. Her loving presence for the last four years has helped many children improve their reading ability and gain self-confidence. Before Trude’s retirement this year, the New Zealand Kennel Club presented her with the Service Dog of the Year Award.
Judy is a 16-year-old female mixed Border collie. When Judy
was first born, she and her 11 siblings were deliberately thrown into
a stream and shot with a gun by a farm owner. Luckily Judy was saved from
the stream by a good-hearted person, and she was brought home as a pet.
Sixteen years later, Judy’s keeper praises her exceptional compassion,
saying that she is also very smart, loyal and forgiving. Therefore, the
New Zealand Kennel Club presented Judy with the Pet of the Year Award.