Panorama of Events


2006 Roots and Shoots Animal Parade
 By Taipei News Group, Formosa (Originally in Chinese)

Dr. Jane Goodall in the procession leading the parade

[Taipei] On October 28, Golden Year 3 (2006), the Jane Goodall Institute - Taiwan, convened the 2006 Roots and Shoots Animal Parade in Taipei. Participants dressed up as animals, plants, and other elements of nature in costumes made of recyclable materials. With its joyful carnival-like atmosphere, the Roots and Shoots parade highlights the close relationship between humans and nature, to raise a sense of social awareness and concern for other beings on this planet. The Taipei Center of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association participated in the event to promote the vegetarian diet. Fellow initiates, young and old, dressed up as different kinds of lovely animals and attractive fruits. Sounding tambourines and blowing bird whistles, they marched through the streets shouting: “Be vegetarians and love animals!”

Holding high the flag designed by Master, brightly dressed fellow initiates promote vegetarianism and the ideal of love for animals.

For the first time, the SM flag designed by Master appeared on the streets of Taipei, attracting the attention of many passersby. Fellow initiates also distributed Alternative Living leaflets and other items along the route. When children saw the shocking pictures in the Alternative Living materials of a row of hanging chickens and a cow hung upside down by its foot over a pool of blood, they stuck out their tongues and exclaimed: “This is cruel! I dare not eat meat anymore!” We also received thumbs-up encouragement from people passing by in cars and on motorcycles along the route.

Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou greets Dr. Goodall.

In her closing speech to mark the successful end of the activity, Dr. Goodall said that humans bring suffering to animals because they lack understanding of the animal kingdom. Her goal in establishing the Roots and Shoots program was to provide opportunities for children to better understand and learn to love animals so that they will not abuse them when they grow up. Dr. Goodall has therefore dedicated her lifelong love and faith to inspiring public respect and care for animals. Dr. Goodall posed for photos with fellow initiates and gave us her autograph. We presented her in turn with Master’s latest book, “The Realization of Health,” along with a bouquet of flowers. The parade ended as it returned to its starting point, amidst loud cheering and applause.

Dr. Goodall with fellow initiates before the parade and after delivering her closing speech.