Moon Bear Hero: Jill Robinson
and Animals Asia Foundation ♥♥♥♥♥ By sister-initiate Serene, England (Originally in English and Chinese)
Born in England, Jill Robinson is the Founder and Executive Director of the Animals Asia Foundation. She was presented with the Readers Digest "Hero for Today Award" in 1995, and was awarded an MBE (Members of the Order of the British Empire) by Queen Elizabeth in 1998 to honor her services to animal welfare in Asia. Jill Robinson worked for IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) for 11 years before she founded the Hong Kong based Animals Asia Foundation in 1998, which is registered in Hong Kong, UK, USA, Germany and Australia as an animal welfare charity organization. In 1991, she founded "Dr. Dog," the first animal therapy program in Hong Kong and subsequently in China and other parts of Asia. Over 300 'Canine Consultants' registered as official Animals Asia animal therapy dogs, and teams of enthusiastic volunteers make regular visits to hospitals, disabled centers, homes for the young and elderly, orphanages and schools sharing animals' warmth and unconditional love to people in need. The activities have encouraged people to respect all life. Her worldly well-known campaign Moon Bear Rescue has sparked a heart-shaking influence, which has brought about a huge change in attitudes towards animal welfare throughout China. Asiatic Black Bears were also called Moon Bears, because of the beautiful yellow crescent moon shape on their chest. They are one of the 8 bear species in the world and are listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora in the most critical category of endangerment. This means that no international trade in either live Moon Bears or any of their parts is allowed. Unfortunately, for thousands of years Moon Bears have been hunted and killed for their gall bladders to be used as medicine. As a matter of fact, it has been proven in the field of medical science that bear gall bladder can be easily replaced by herb medicine or synthetic alternatives which are cheaper, more effective and more readily available. However, up to today thousands of bears still endure tortures on bear farms in many countries across Asia. In 1993, when Jill witnessed the extremely inhumane treatment of those beautiful black bears on a bear farm in China, she made her pledge that one day she would go back to rescue them. From then on, she started her tireless work to rescue bears in China. Although it was such a mixture of trials and tribulations and heartbreaks, through nonstop efforts AAF eventually signed an unprecedented agreement with the relevant organization of the Chinese Government to at first rescue about 500 bears under the most horrible conditions in Sichuan Province and to work together for the long-term goal of the complete elimination of harvesting gall bladders from live bears in China. This historic agreement was the first accord between the Chinese Government and an outside animal rights and protection organization. The active cooperation of both parties has made more than 40 bear farms closed one after another. In the process, Jill's sincerity, dedication and hard-working spirit deeply impressed Chinese officials. In addition, she got permission from the Chinese Government to set-up a bear rescue center in Chengdu, Sichuan. So far, 219 Moon Bears were luckily rescued by AAF. Today, the sanctuary has been developed into an education village, which allows visitors to witness the incredible transformation of the rescued bears from the pitiful conditions of living hell to free and happy individuals, and advances their realization of harmony between human, animals and nature and the concept of protecting the environment. Currently, Jill Robinson, her AAF team and their worldwide
supporters are still striving for more than 7,000 Moon Bears being tortured
on the bear farms. Her shining example, the story between her and the
Moon Bears and the message she passes out including her vegetarian lifestyle,
have sparked the enthusiasm on animal protection among the Chinese youth,
and also elevated people's respect to our animal friends. Thank you, Jill
Robinson, the Moon Bear Hero. May God bless your noble work. Reference: