Formosa News Group (Originally in Chinese)
Li Shangxuan, a 19-year-old talented musician from Formosa, excels at playing the piano and percussion instruments. His self-confidence and musical proficiency belies the fact that he suffers from autism and favism. At the age of three, Shangxuan was diagnosed to be hyperactive autistic, moderately mentally retarded, and have a developmental language delay. During preschool, he could not sit still in the classroom and often ran out to play by himself. However, in his early childhood, Shangxuan was found to be musically talented and gifted with an unusual memory for time and numbers, especially license plates. His preschool principal discovered that the child would tap his fingers in tune with the music as if he was playing the piano. His mother, pleasantly surprised, thought that perhaps playing the piano could relieve his hyperactivity. But in the beginning, she could find no teacher brave enough to accept a student who could not sit still. It is a general belief that only quiet people can learn to play the piano. So could a hyperactive child do it? Surprisingly, Mrs. Li found that as soon as her son put his hands on a piano, his attention would become focused. Shangxuan has gradually won social recognition for his music performance, capturing awards in many major music competitions. He was a member of the Ju Percussion Group’s Juvenile Percussion Ensemble. He played piano periodically at the Children Are Us Restaurant chain, which are staffed by mentally handicapped people. He is currently a key member of Kaohsiung’s Prince Percussion Group, formed by autistic children, and often participates in group performances and charity concerts. In addition, Shangxuan performs solo recitals in piano and percussion music at cultural centers, his repertoire including challenging compositions by Bach, Mozart and Chopin.
Shangxuan has an excellent memory. He can play any local or foreign song upon impromptu request, without having to look at the musical score. Citing Shangxuan as an example, Mrs. Li encourages parents of autistic children to discover their potential strengths and help them come out of their enclosed world by developing their talents. Music has been used in treating autism by many professional institutes around the world. Through music and melody, the children learn to express themselves and interact with others. In the world of music, autistic children share a common language with normal children - that music brings happiness. Constant effort and loving support from
family and friends have helped Shangxuan emerge from his inner world to
inspire others with his music of life. Leading a life of dignity and value,
he is a living testimony that music can help autistic patients go beyond
hindrances and communicate with others in the depths of their hearts.