The Indigo* Children
Compiled from
Supreme Master TV program - “The Indigo Evolution,”
“They are our future. And they are here to simply help usher in a new Golden Age, where love will triumph over fear, and awareness will triumph over ignorance.” ~ Phil Gruber “The message is that this is the time we’ve been waiting for. We’re ready to transform the world into a world based upon the laws of love.” ~ James Twyman Who Are the Indigo Children? The following accounts describe some of the gifted children who are sometimes referred to as “Indigo children” for their reportedly indigo-colored auras. The American mystic Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945), who could see people’s auras, said that groups of amazing and unusual individuals would begin to incarnate on Earth late in the twentieth century and beyond. He said that they would come to be called Indigo Children.
Identifying Indigo Children Sandra Sedgbeer, magazine publisher and editor: “The children who are coming in today seem to have more ‘software’ already downloaded in their systems. They are an evolutionary leap; they are showing us where we are going as a species. And I believe that these children come in with more neural abilities connected; these are abilities that we all have, but we’ve lost over the centuries.” Neale Donald Walsch, author: “Indigo children to me are children who have a dramatically expanded awareness of everything around them, things seen and unseen.” Elizabeth Green, author and lecturer: “They have a very deep spiritual base. Not religious but spiritual…. They have a sense of knowing that there is a greater power.” Elijah, musician: “There are some Indigos who are streaming onto the planet to bring the sword of will, the sword of power, to cut through the old paradigm and slice through the illusion. There are some who are bringing in the gentle compassion, and there are some who are bringing in the new language of light and sound.… Why are Indigos here? Indigos are here to bridge Heaven and Earth.” Raising Indigo Children Because of the special abilities Indigo Children possess, they present new challenges to the current school system as well as to their parents in finding the best way to support and guide them. The current system does not seem to have sufficient tools to provide them with an appropriate environment for their needs. Many gifted children are not able to fit into school and are thus labeled with problems like Attention Deficit Disorder or autism. Actually, they are just way ahead. They need more. Besides teaching how to memorize data, many educators have indicated that schools should also teach children about decision-making, eating properly, even growing food and how to meditate. Schools should cultivate ways to draw from the inside of the child, to tap the wisdom that resides there quite naturally. We Are All Indigo Children Throughout history Indigo Children have always graced this planet, though sometimes perhaps they were labeled differently. Some experts today don’t want to label any children as Indigo: “Since we are all children of God, these are just the people who haven’t forgotten God’s teachings. In the end we’re all the same. We can all do this.” In essence, everyone is an Indigo child because everyone has a special gift. The so-called “Indigo children” have more realization of their ability, while others need more training and spiritual practice to recover their dormant talents. In the grander picture, everyone is evolving as human beings to become better and more God-like. According to Gary Zukave, “We are in the midst of an unprecedented, huge transformation in human consciousness. And this transformation in human consciousness is reshaping the human experience. It is reshaping it for millions of individuals and in my opinion, within just a few generations, it will have reshaped the entirety of the human experience. And so it is creating children who are being born with this newly expanded perception, and it is expanding the perception of those of us who are already walking upon this Earth…. The greater event is not the appearance of Indigo children, but the birth of an Indigo world.” Actually, what
people may not know is that due to God’s grace our world has advanced
to a Golden World, not only an Indigo world. As Supreme Master Ching
Hai said in a lecture in Panama on November 30, 1989: “We are
in the changing age … it’s supposed to be a very spiritual
age, and peaceful for humankind. It’s not that the age influences
us. It is that humankind has developed and is completing the evolution
circle to the very high peak. When we are in the highest peak of spiritual
and evolution, we say we are in the Golden Age.”