Report by Association members in Iran (Originally in Persian) In the name of God, the compassionate and the merciful. In early June, 2007 Iran was hit by Cyclone Gonu. The cyclone first reached the Omani coast and then carried on to the Iranian southern coast, bringing devastation to mainly two provinces, Hormozgan and Sistan & Blachoostan. Upon receiving Master’s loving instruction, we began a journey to take Master’s gifts of hope and light to the cyclone victims of Iran. Having done the local research and contacted organizations such as the Red Crescent and received guidance from the local good-hearted leaders of the communities, 30 tons of goods were purchased, 21 tons of which was mineral water. These necessities consisted of lentils, dried beans, rice, chick peas, cans of baked beans, cans of eggplants, tomato puree, cooking oil, jam, sugar cubes, tea, salt, lemon juice, toothbrushes, toothpastes, sanitary towels, diapers, washing powder, washing liquid, shampoo, soap, children’s underwear and bamboo-type sitting mats (zirandaze hasiri), etc. The total expenditure was Tuman $13,418,400 (US$14,460). We first went to the town of Jask in Hormozgan, where we took until early the next morning to prepare bags of goods for 400 family/groups of people. The gifts of Master’s love were immediately delivered: 80 bags were distributed to the families who live in the Kapar type accommodation (palm-frond huts or fragile bamboo-type huts). Their original kapar-huts were destroyed by the flood but they had managed to re-build them. These people are poor and were extremely happy and grateful to see us and receive the bags of love. We were then guided by a well-trusted authority known for his humanitarian work in the area to distribute 320 remaining bags to 6 villages in Sistan & Baloochestan. We were given 3 trucks and 3 small vans in order to carry out the distribution task. These areas had experienced more serious damage and our trucks had much difficulty crossing over two rivers on our way to the villages. On the following day, people came to help us distribute the bags and brought their minivans to speed up the work. The water supply of the villages had been polluted by the flood and the mineral waters were in high demand. In total about 2400 packs of bottles of water were given to people. The task of distributing Master’s
aid took one week; everywhere we went Master’s grace and love acted
as keys to the doors of people’s hearts for them to receive the
positive energy and the blessing of God showering the people of this land.
Expenditures by The Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her International Association for Aid to Flood Disaster Victims in Iran
To view the Humanitarian Relief
Activities by the Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her International
Association, please visit