Family’s Blessing
By sister Xi in Austria
For the past many years since my initiation, I have had inner vision and outer blessed experiences. Especially regarding the outer ones, I find that my life has changed dramatically. I no longer hate or blame anyone. I am thankful for the obstacles in my life that have led me away from fame and fortune into the warm embrace of the huge Quan Yin family. Beginning last November, we have been able to watch Supreme Master Television at my house, its programs bringing blessings to my whole family. As we tune in to this channel daily, we have received tremendous benefits. Master has been teaching us in subtle and meaningful ways. The positive news and programs on traditional cultures from different countries have enriched our lives, broadened our vision, and infused us with positive energy each day. In the programs “Words of Wisdom” and “Between Master and Disciples,” Master uses simple day-to-day language to expound on different religious scriptures, enlightening us on how to use wisdom to solve difficulties and problems. The “Vegetarianism: A Noble Way of Living” program provides a menu of world-class vegetarian recipes. “Master’s Gift of Love” is an unforgettable paradise for vegetarian aficionados. I am grateful for the access to Supreme Master Television, and have tried to prepare these vegetarian dishes so that my family can savor the delicious yet healthy food from around the world at home. My children love to watch Supreme Master Television as well. Master is the world’s best storyteller; Her stories for children deeply attracting my oldest daughter. After coming home from school each day, she would watch Master’s television programs before sitting down for meditation. When she saw Master during the Thailand retreat last year, she was very happy and contented. She has requested that I take her to every retreat I attend. For a period of time not long ago, we were both distressed at the tension between us as she was going through adolescence and I had little experience in how to handle it. When I came home recently from the Austria 3-day retreat, she seemed to have transformed into another person, and we are once again as close as ever. We are like sisters, and our common mother is our Master. This half-initiated girl is wholeheartedly waiting to receive full initiation. All these are blessings bestowed by Master. My beloved Master, I cannot find enough words to express my gratefulness
to you. Thank you for guiding fellow initiates to bring before us
such beautiful Supreme Master Television programs, blessing us with
the constant grace of divine love. Thank you for lovingly allowing
the 3-day retreat, which has been an exceptional blessing for us.
My whole family prays to all Buddhas to bless Master with good health
and successful endeavors. We will be diligent in our spiritual practice
and hope that every family member will soon be fully initiated and
lead happy lives to express our gratitude to the greatest Spiritual
Master in eons.