The Philippines
Divine Love Reaches Filipino Artists and Families of Late Soldiers
By a Hsihu resident, Formosa (Originally in Chinese)
Contribution for Families of Late Soldiers Ms. Belinda Olivares-Cunanan, a renowned columnist with the Philippine Daily Inquirer, was a distinguished guest at our Hsihu Center in February, where she spent a joyful Lunar New Year holiday with almost 10,000 fellow practitioners. So impressed was she by Master's great compassion and the warm hospitality of the Formosan people that she wrote an article titled “Chinese New Year in Taiwan” for her newspaper. The article introduced readers to the spiritual cultivation and love of the Formosan people. (Please refer to Media Report in News No. 180.)
Besides being a respected columnist, Ms. Belinda Olivares-Cunanan is a Board member of the Alay Sa Kawal Foundation in the Philippines, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to caring for widows and orphans of late soldiers. Observing Master's generosity and love for all beings, she wrote to Master asking Her to help the dependents of the late soldiers. Our merciful Master thus contributed US$10,000 to the Foundation, hoping that the children will grow up in love, without bitterness and hatred. Master hopes the world will realize that war only brings destruction and suffering. We should end any rising hostility through friendly communication, promoting mutual support and concern, and working hand in hand to create a new world of peace and happiness. Contribution for Art Workers Another distinguished guest who participated in Hsihu's Lunar New Year celebrations this February was Ms. Cecile Guidote-Alvarez, chairperson of the International Theatre Institute Philippine Center. Ms. Guidote-Alvarez was surprised to find that Supreme Master Ching Hai was not only a spiritual teacher, but also an admirable master of multi-talents with impressive achievements in art. She wrote to the Headquarters of the International Theatre Institute in Paris, strongly recommending that Master be invited to partake in World Theatre Day held by UNESCO in Paris this year. Through this introduction, many world-famous artists became acquainted with Master, and many theatre professionals, professors and directors accepted interviews by Supreme Master Television to present their noble ideals of art and peace to the world. (Please refer to reports in News No. 178 & 182.)
During the event, Ms. Guidote-Alvarez shared with Master her enthusiasm to help physically disabled youngsters and homeless people in learning art creations that help them begin a new life. She has also helped talented youths from other countries to study art in the Philippines. Impressed by her noble pursuits, Master generously contributed US$30,000 to support these aspirations to Truth, goodness, and beauty. Ms. Guidote-Alvarez
was touched by Master's generous contribution and wrote a letter of appreciation
to express her sincere gratitude to Master. In the letter she thanked
Master for Her contribution to the organization and hosting of ASEAN (Association
of South-east Asian Nations) Performance and Media Arts Workshop on mobilizing
cultural diversity for the UN Millennium Development Goals. It will be
used to assist the board and lodging expenses of the 40 selected artists
and some operational expenses.