After a while, the Quan Yin messenger announced that the initiation was about to begin and asked us to sit. I became very anxious when I found that my husband had not returned. I asked some of the working staff to contact him, but they said it was impossible. I then requested the Quan Yin messenger to wait for my husband, but was told that the initiation could not be delayed. I almost panicked. Suddenly, it came to my mind that I should pray to Master. Immediately I returned to my seat, closed my eyes, and prayed in my heart to Master for help; a short while later, my husband returned and sat in the front row. Finally, my mind was at peace. I am so grateful to Master for Her efficacious response to my prayer! My mother is a staunch believer in Master and greatly admires Her talents. In the summer of 1999, she came and stayed at my house for a period of time. One day when she was meditating with the Convenient Method, she heard some invisible beings (seemly those she owed in previous lives) talk and then depart in joy. She had previously learned through divination that she had killed people in her past lives and that her life would be in danger from October until the end of the following year. The time has passed and my mother remains as healthy as ever. This is all due to Master's grace. Master has not only saved my mother, but also delivered those she had wronged. In her younger days, my mother had been inflicted by several diseases, including lung problems, hypertension, and inflammation of the lymph and blood vessels. Later, she also suffered heart disease and cerebral infarction. She would sometimes cough up blood and had difficulties in breathing in winter. Therefore, she could hardly go outdoors. However, now at the age of seventy, she is much healthier than before. Cold temperatures do not keep her away from outdoor exercises, neighborly visits, and shopping activities. On a side note, my second younger brother saw very beautiful light in his sleep after reading Master's sample book. When my third younger brother fell ill, he prayed to Master and saw Her transcendental bodies coming to help him in his dream. My family has had so many wonderful experiences, more than I could ever recount in writing. From the bottom of my heart, I thank
Master for Your infinite grace, not only in bestowing on me this extremely
precious and rare Quan Yin Method, but also alleviating my relatives from
suffering. Now, my child has also received full initiation. Basking in
Master's supreme divine love, our family has become increasingly harmonious
and happy. We are most fortunate to be able to become disciples of the
Supreme Enlightened Master! No worldly language could ever express our
gratitude and admiration. We wish for the best health and everyday happiness
to our dear Master!